Vol. 9, Year 2009:

For Vol. 9, Year 2009, the process of assigning DOI numbers has begun, the numbers displayed on the website will not change, while activation will be gradual.

4435 – 450Critical evaluation and sensitivity analysis of rheological models of human bloodDanuta Szeliga, Magdalena Kopernik, Maciej Pietrzyk
4424 – 434Validation of the thermo-mechanical-microstructural model of hot forging processRoman Kuziak, Valeriy Pidvysots’Kyy, Krzysztof Drozdowski
4416 – 423Thermal modeling of friction stir welding of Sc-modified Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloyCarter Hamilton, Stanisław Dymek, Oleg Senkov
4409 – 415Elasto-plastic material model with damage parameter in metal fatigueTomasz Bednarek, Włodzimierz Sosnowski, Tomasz Szolc
3400 – 408Bio-inspired optimization strategies in control of copper flash smelting processŁukasz Sztangret, Andrzej Stanisławczyk, Jan Kusiak
3392 – 399Association rules as an example of data mining in the analysis of copper flash smelting process – the metallurgist’s point of viewPiotr Jarosz, Jolanta Talar, Jan Kusiak
3379 – 391Expert system application in modelling and controlling the copper flash smelting processJolanta Talar, Piotr Jarosz, Jan Kusiak
3374 – 378Neural network modelling of the gas phase of a copper flash smelting processAndrzej Stanisławczyk, Jan Kusiak
3369 – 373Pre-processing of the industrial data for data mining and modelling – application to the copper flash smelting processAndrzej Stanisławczyk, Jan Kusiak
3362 – 368Copper flash smelting process. modelling and controlJan Kusiak
2352 – 356Computer measurement systems in research of non-conventional metal forming processesZdzisław Cyganek, Franciszek Grosman
2347 – 351Parallel evolutionary optimization in multiscale problemsWacław Kuś, Tadeusz Burczyński
2341 – 346Structuralization of knowledge about casting defects diagnosis based on rough sets theoryStanisława Kluska-Nawarecka, Dorota Wilk-Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz Dobrowolski, Edward Nawarecki
2335 – 340Business rules management system for enterprises in iron and steel industryAndrzej Macioł, Bartłomiej Gaweł, Rafał Jankowski
2328 – 334Rough set formalization of an inference process in a DOE supporting expert systemJacek Pietraszek
2322 – 327Library of heuristic algorithms’ templatesNorbert Sczygiol, Anna Wawszczak
2316 – 321Finite difference model of short-pulse laser interactions with thin metal filmEwa Majchrzak, Bohdan Mochnacki, Józef S. Suchy
2309 – 315An implicit numerical integration algorithm for Bai & Wierzbicki (2007) elasto-plastic modelLucival Malcher, Francisco M. Andrade Pires, José M.A. César De Sá, Filipe X.C. Andrade
2302 – 308Accuracy of the finite element solution to steady convection-diffusion heat transport equation in continuous casting problemBeata Hadała, Zbigniew Malinowski
2296 – 301Development of adaptive methods for reaction-diffusion and other transport problems arising in electrochemistryLesław K. Bieniasz
2289 – 295Object oriented multi-scale hp-adaptive finite element methodPiotr Gurgul, Marcin Sieniek, Maciej Paszyński
2283 – 288Implementation of cellular automata framework dedicated to digital material representationPatryk Spytkowski, Tomasz Klimek, Łukasz Rauch, Łukasz Madej
2277 – 282Modelling of plane strain deformation of {100}<001>/{110}<011>-oriented aluminium bicrystalWojciech Wajda, Henryk Paul
2271 – 276Application of combined discrete/finite element multiscale method for modelling of Mg redistribution during hot rolling of alluminiumMichal Krzyzanowski, W. Mark Rainforth
2264 – 270Sensitivity analysis of the cellular automata finite element model for the strain localizationDanuta Szeliga, Lukasz Madej
2256 – 263Modeling of microstructure evolution during the rolling by using cellular automataDmytro Svyetlichnyy
2249 – 255Micro- versus macro- modelling of creep damageKrzysztof Nowak
2241 – 248Microstructural changes with selected extrusion variables in plastic deformation of complex-shaped lead alloyJoseph S. Ajiboye, Babatunde Idirisu
2234 – 240Numerical modeling of bulk metal forming processes with induced strain path changeŁukasz Madej, Stanisław Węglarczyk, Franciszek Grosman
2228 – 233Modelling of microstructure evolution in hot work tool steels during serviceFriedrich Krumphals, Thomas Wlanis, Christof Sommitsch, Ivan Holzer, Bernhard Sonderegger, Volker Wieser
2221 – 227Cellular automata multi-component diffusion modelsAnna Paszyńska, Maciej Paszyński, Maciej Pietrzyk, Bartłomiej Wierzba
2215 – 220The 3D numerical model of macrosegregation in steel ingot during continuous casting with soft reductionTomasz Rec, Andrzej Milenin
2207 – 214Multi scale modeling and interpretation of tensile test of magnesium alloys in microchamber for the SEMPiotr Kustra, Andrzej Milenin, Mirko Schaper, Aleksander Gridin
2200 – 206The influence of selected parameters of water spray cooling on the heat transfer coefficientAgnieszka Cebo, Andrzej Buczek
2195 – 199Identification of cast steel latent heat on a basis of thermal and differential analysisEwa Majchrzak, Jerzy Mendakiewicz
2189 – 194Effect of deformation heat in the laboratory hot rolling quantified by temperature scanners and modelling based on FEMIvo Schindler, Tomáš Kubina, Petr Bílovský, Milan Heger, Miroslav Legerski
2183 – 188Modification of charge heating technology in industrial furnaces during rails productionTadeusz Telejko, Andrzej Buczek, Zbigniew Malinowski, Marian Banach, Tomasz Zygmunt
2178 – 182Mesh adaptation in 3D numerical modeling of heat conductivityNorbert Sczygiol, Robert Leśniak, Tomasz Olas
2171 – 177Transient thermal analysis of functionally graded shallow shells by the MLPGJan Sladek, Vladimir Sladek, Peter Solek
166 – 71Numerical analysis of influence of surface geometrical structure prepared under burnishing rolling onto the state of strains and stress in product surface layerAgnieszka Kułakowska, Leon Kukiełka
161 – 65The numerical determination of contact zone tool and work-pieces in burnishing rolling processRadosław Patyk, Sylwia Patyk, Leon Kukiełka
1159 – 165Investigation on sheet hydroforming of tailor-welded blanks and comparison with conventional deep drawingMahdi Qarakhani, Abolfazl Masoumi, Mohammad Habibi Parsa, Alireza Arayee
1153 – 158Determination of mechanical properties of the weld zone of tailor-welded blanksJerzy Rojek, Monika Hyrcza-Michalska, Adam Bokota, Wiesława Piekarska
1148 – 152A new method for the evaluation of the yield criteria accuracyLiana Paraianu, Dorel Banabic
1143 – 147On the forming and fracture limits of sheet metalsAntti S. Korhonen, Timo Manninen, Jeong-Whan Yoon
1137 – 142Prediction of forming limit in stretch flanging by finite element simulation combined with ductile fracture criterionHirohiko Takuda, Takayuki Hama, Kazuki Nishida, Tohru Yoshida, Jun Nitta
1130 – 136Numerical modelling of the process of bimetallic bar rolling in a three-high skew rolling millSylwester Sawicki, Piotr Szota, Sebastian Mróz, Henryk Dyja
1123 – 129Fsw of lightweight aluminum structures: lap joint developmentGianluca Buffa, Livan Fratini
1117 – 122Numerical simulation of modified friction stir spot welding processesGianluca Buffa, Livan Fratini
1110 – 116Stress analysis of silicon-titanium coating created by ion beam sputter depositionJacek Rońda, Wojciech Rajchel, Paweł Wojnarowski
1104 – 109Sensitivity analysis of divergence of ion beam with respect to changes of shape of acceleration grid in kaufman type ion sourcesJacek Rońda, Dominik Osiński
197 – 103Numerical simulations of diamond microfluidic device for the biomolecules electrophoretic separationsJan M. Lysko, Dariusz Witkowski, Damian Obidowski, Anna Karczemska
192 – 96Modelling the influence of the structure on the properties of nanometalsRomuald Dobosz, Tomasz Wejrzanowski, Krzysztof Jan Kurzydłowski
185 – 91Possibilities of the mechanical behaviour modelling of structures after severe plastic deformationKrzysztof Muszka, Karolina Doniec, Janusz Majta
179 – 84Numerical study of a flow in the cerebral arterial circleDamian Obidowski, Krzysztof Jozwik, Piotr Reorowicz
172 – 78Numerical analysis of the influence of a change in the vertebral arteries joint angle on the blood flowKrzysztof Jozwik, Damian Obidowski, Maciej Pogorzelski
155 – 60Effect of temperature and strain rate on friction factor during hot deformation of al-mg and al-cu-mg al-alloysPavel Petrov, Denis Gnevashev, Andrey Dubinchin, Michael Petrov, Valentin Solotych, Jon Wostryck Eiesland
149 – 54Nonlocal integral formulation for a plasticity-induced damage modelFilipe x.c. Andrade, Francisco m. Andrade Pires, José M.A. César De Sá, Lucival Malcher
143 – 48Using fuzzy numbers in fatigue reliability estimationTomasz Bednarek, Piotr Prokopowicz, Włodzimierz Sosnowski
137 – 42Failure modelling of friction stir welded joints in tensile testsGuido Borino, Livan Fratini, Francesco Parrinello, Antonino Bulgarella
130 – 36Interaction of penny-shaped crack and spherical inclusion in 3d particulate elastic composite: biem calculation of mode-i dynamic stress intensity factorOksana Khay, Viktor Mykhas’Kiv, Jan Sladek, Vladimir Sladek, Chuanzeng Zhang
125 – 29Modeling and numerical simulation of elasto-viscoplastic anisotropic behavior of tantalum including the ductile damage effectThomas Paris, Khémaïs Saanouni, Manuel Francois, Damien Delaplanche
112 – 24Tendencies and new requirements in the simulation of sheet metal forming processesKarl Roll, Klaus Wiegand
15 – 11Thermo-mechanical forming of al-mg-si sheet – modelling of warm forming, heat treatments and transformationsA.H. (Ton) Van Den Boogaard, Srihari Kurukuri, Manojit Ghosh, Alexis G. Miroux