Vol. 8, Year 2008:

For Vol. 8, Year 2008, the process of assigning DOI numbers has begun, the numbers displayed on the website will not change, while activation will be gradual.

4171 – 178Three-dimensional upper bound analyses for extrusion from square billets through complex die-openings’ shapesJoseph S. Ajiboye
4186 – 195Computer aided design of manufacturing technology for copper-chromium alloysJarosław Nowak, Stanisław Węglarczyk, Roman Kuziak, Krzysztof Drozdowski, Maciej Pietrzyk
4196 – 202The application of the morris method for determination of ranges of parameters variation, having assumed influence on calculation resultNorbert Sczygiol, Robert Dyja
4179 – 185Phase transition simulations for solidification of fe-c alloy with cellular automata interfaced with self-adaptive hp finite element method for non-stationary heat and mass transport problemsMaciej Paszyński, Jerzy Gawąd, Paweł Matuszyk, Łukasz Madej, Dorota Podorska
4165 – 170Application of the cyclic plasticity hardening law to metal formingKrzysztof Muszka, Konrad Perzyński, Łukasz Madej
3154 – 159A numerical study on the influence of bauschinger effect on springback in reverse bendingMehran Kadkhodayan, Iman Zafarparandeh
3138 – 143Experimental study of v-bending process of steel-polymer-steel sheets at room temperatureSergej Tipalin, Michael Nikitin, Nikolaj Shpunkin
3130 – 137A finite element analysis of the superplastic blow-forming in an awl-shaped die with titanium alloyDyi-Cheng Chen, Hsin-Neng Wang
3160 – 164Homogenization of one dimensional elliptic systemPaweł Mitkowski, Wojciech Mitkowski
3144 – 153Process simulation of stub shaft forging with local heating and cooling – an analysis with efgChristoph Bröcker, Kurt Steinhoff, Anton Matzenmiller
3121 – 129Rectilinear viscoelastic flows in ductsMichel Beaulne, Evan Mitsoulis
279 – 85Immune and evolutionary shape optimization in forgingWacław Kuś, Tadeusz Burczyński
258 – 69Attempt of neural modelling of castings crystallisation control processRyszard Tadeusiewicz, Joanna Grabska-Chrząstowska, Henryk Połcik
286 – 92Artificial neural networks for modelling the microhardness of plasma immersion ion implanted AISI 304 SSHülya Durmuş, Nurşen Saklakoğlu
2111 – 120Artificial neural network techniques in cold roll-forming process designAnthony Downes, Peter Hartley
293 – 102Application of genetic algorithm for damage identification of non-homogenous tapered beamSoraj Kumar Panigrahi, Snehashish Chakraverty, Bhanu Kumar Mishra
270 – 78Applicability of decision trees in manufacturing industryMarcin Perzyk, Robert Biernacki, Artur Soroczyński
2103 – 110A sensitivity analysis on artificial neural networks fracture predictions in sheet metal forming operationsRosa Di Lorenzo, Giuseppe Ingarao, Fabrizio Micari
131 – 46Interdiffusion in r-component (r ≥ 2) one dimensional mixture showing constant concentrationMarek Danielewski, Konstanty Holly, Wojciech Krzyżański
147 – 53CADiff – the inter and reactive diffusion simulation toolBartłomiej Wierzba, Maciej Pietrzyk, Marek Danielewski
125 – 30Elastic tool behaviour in cold rollingReiner Kopp, Martin Franzke
116 – 24Numerical modeling of influence of gaseous bubble shape factor on steel flow in the tundish with system of argon injectionAdam Cwudziński, Jan Jowsa
11 – 15Concurrent and upscaling methods in multi scale modelling – case studiesŁukasz Madej, Adam Mrozek, Wacław Kuś, Tadeusz Burczyński, Maciej Pietrzyk