Vol. 7, Year 2007:

For Vol. 7, Year 2007, the process of assigning DOI numbers has begun, the numbers displayed on the website will not change, while activation will be gradual.

4406 – 415Mapping microstructure in ac and psc testpieces deformed at high temperatureBryan Roebuck, Ken P Mingard, Matthew Brooks, Eric J Palmiere, Brad P Wynne, Matthew J Thomas
4383 – 388Explicit microscopic fatigue analysis of forged componentsMarc Milesi, Yvan Chastel, Marc Bernacki, Roland E. Logé, Pierre-Olivier Bouchard
4389 – 396A comparison of models for ductile fracture prediction in forging processesCai Zheng, Jose M.A. Cesar De Sa, F.M. Andrade Pires
4378 – 382Material testing and physical simulation in modelling process chains based on forging operationsPaolo F. Bariani, Stefania Bruschi, Andrea Ghiotti
4416 – 421Online visioplasticity in forging processesMatthias Schmidtchen, Anja Brethfeld, Gunter Lehmann
4397 – 405Physical and numerical modelling of forging accounting for exploitation properties of productsLukasz Madej, Danuta Szeliga, Roman Kuziak, Maciej Pietrzyk
3366 – 375On the support uml diagrams understanding during the software maintenanceLeszek Kotulski, Artur Basiura
3352 – 365Comparison of mathematical models for the turbulent fluid flow, heat transfer and solidification in the continuous casting processRodrigo Ottoni Da Silva Pereira, Roberto Parreiras Tavares
3337 – 346Optimisation strategies to determine process parameters in tube hydroformingRosa Di Lorenzo, Giuseppe Ingarao, Fabrizio Micari
2317 – 323Application of bayesian network in the diagnosis of hot-dip galvanising processBarbara Mrzygłód, Anna Adrian, Stanisława Kluska-Nawarecka, Robert Marcjan
2324 – 328Ontogrator – an intelligent access to heterogeneous knowledge sources about casting technologyStanisława Kluska-Nawarecka, Grzegorz Dobrowolski, Robert Marcjan, Edward Nawarecki
2311 – 316Filtering of industrial data using the artificial neural networksAndrzej Stanisławczyk, Jolanta Talar, Piotr Jarosz, Jan Kusiak
2305 – 310Edge detection and filtering approach dedicated to microstructure images analysisŁukasz Rauch, Jan Kusiak
2299 – 304The analysis of the influence of plug shape and its position on piercing process in skew rolling millJan Kazanecki, Zbigniew Pater, Jarosław Bartnicki
2294 – 298Comparison of numerical models for hydroforming of X-shapesHanna Sadłowska, Andrzej Kocańda
2289 – 293Finite element analysis of nodal release approach to model ductile fracture in metal sheetsBernd-Arno Behrens, Kanwar Bir Sidhu
2284 – 288Application of the coupled boundary element method with atomic model in the static analysisAdam Mrozek, Wacław Kuś, Tadeusz Burczyński
2276 – 283Weak and strong coupling of solvers in partitioned solution of solidification problemsArkadiusz Nagórka
2269 – 275An algorithm for transferring 2d arbitrary hp-refined finite element axially symmetric meshes to three dimensionsMaciej Paszyński, David Pardo, Leszek Demkowicz, Carlos Torres-Verdin
2262 – 268A comparison of meshless and finite element approaches to ductile damage in forming processesJose M. A. Cesar De Sa, Cai Zheng
2255 – 261Modelling of nanomaterials – sensitivity analysis to determine the nanoindentation test parametersMagdalena Kopernik, Danuta Szeliga
2250 – 254The use of morris method in sensitivity analysis of the numeric model of solidificationNorbert Sczygiol, Robert Dyja
2243 – 249Frequency optimization based on “exact” sensitivity and fatigue life estimationTomasz Bednarek, Włodzimierz Sosnowski
2237 – 242Numerical study to identify the material parameters of a damage modelRenée Schwartz, Sylvie Castagne, Anne Marie Habraken
2231 – 236Application of physical and mathematical modelling to analysis of different forging processes of constant velocity joint bodyZbigniew Gronostajski, Marek Hawryluk, Karol Jaśkiewicz, Adam Niechajowicz, Sławomir Polak, Sławomir Walczak, Andrzej Woźniak
2224 – 230Discrete element modelling of rock cuttingJerzy Rojek
2218 – 223The influence of the scale formation and the die angle on the heat transfer in the drawing out processBeata Hadała, Zbigniew Malinowski
2212 – 217Influence of forging parameters on tool temperature in hot forgingAkihiro Minami, Yasuo Marumo, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Liqun Ruan, Hiroyuki Saiki
2208 – 211An influence of some process parameters on lateral forces in forging diesAndrzej Kocańda, Piotr Czyżewski
2202 – 207Computational modeling of centrifugal casting of alumina matrix composite reinforced with crystalline particlesRoman Zagórski
2196 – 201Computer modeling of the facing by resistance sintering of metal powdersZbigniew Zimniak, Zbigniew Bartnik
2191 – 195Comparison of 3d and 2.5d finite element simulation principles for rolling in grooves modelingSergey A. Aksenov, Jiri Kliber, Evgeniy N. Chumachenko
167 – 72Modelling of the kinetics of mx-type carbides precipitation process in low – carbon bainitic steelsRoman Kuziak, Valery Pidvysotskyy
1182 – 188Problem of the artificial anisotropy in solidification modeling by cellular automata methodAndriy Burbelko, Wojciech Kapturkiewicz, Daniel Gurgul
1175 – 181Some aspects which deny a use of 2d cellular automata for modeling of recrystallizationDmitry S. Svyetlichnyy
1162 – 167Possibilities to include in numerical simulation stochastic and discontinuous phenomena occurring in materialLukasz Madej, Henryk Paul, Peter D. Hodgson, Maciej Pietrzyk
1156 – 161Multi-scale fem simulation of the drawing processAndriy Milenin, Zbigniew Muskalski
1150 – 155Modelling of brittle damage nucleation by means of caKrzysztof Nowak
1142 – 149Development of numerical tools for the multiscale modelling of recrystallisation in metals, based on a digital material frameworkMarc Bernacki‫, Yvan Chastel, Hugues Digonnet, Heba Resk, Thierry Coupez, Roland E. Logé
1136 – 141Finite element analysis of die wear in hot forging considering industrial processesBernd-Arno Behrens, André Hundertmark
117 – 23Mathematical modeling of structure and mechanical properties of steel tubes productionTibor Kvačkaj, Michal Zemko
1130 – 135Numerical modelling of constrained groove pressing with deform 3d softwareDušan Kešner, Petr Fišer, Jaroslav Drnek, Jozef Zrník, Miroslav Cieslar, Zbyšek Nový
1124 – 129Verification of numerical modelling of the spr joint by experimental stack-upRobert Cacko, Piotr Czyżewski
1119 – 123Effect of capillary tip shape on deformation and bondability in au wire bondingHiroyuki Saiki, Yasuo Marumo, Hiroshi Nishitake, Tetsuhiro Uemura, Takahiro Yotsumoto
1112 – 118Convection of internal variable methodology in computational fluid dynamics solutions for thixoforming modellingPiotr Macioł
1106 – 111Generalized approach to the choice of lubricant for hot isothermal forging of aluminium alloysPavel A. Petrov
1101 – 105Influence of micro asperity-valley on the surface of forging tools on tribological conditionsHiroyuki Saiki, Yasuo Marumo, Liqun Ruan, Junpei Kozasa
194 – 100On partial hydrodynamic lubrication effects in the journal bearingsTomasz Szolc, Włodzimierz Sosnowski
188 – 93Modelling of formation of stock surface and subsurface layers in breakdown rolling of aluminium alloyMichal Krzyzanowski, Michael F. Frolish, W. Mark Rainforth, John H. Beynon
183 – 87Application of the microstructure development model to the multiscale fem simulation of metal forming processesAndrzej Żmudzki, Jarosław Nowak
178 – 82Simulation of phase transportations in the field of internal stressesNikolay M. Vlasov, Ivan I. Fedik
173 – 77Application of qform forging simulation system for prediction of microstructure of aluminum forged partsSergei Stebunov, Nikolay Biba, Alexei Ovchinnikov, Vitalyi Smelev
161 – 66Computer processing of results of the wedge rolling testTomáš Kubina, Ivo Schindler, Petra Turoňová, Milan Heger, Jiří Franz, Miroslav Liška, Marek Hlisníkovský
154 – 60Modelling the hardenability and tempering of high strength steelsJohan Eliasson, Tadeusz Siwecki, Björn Rodell
147 – 53Creep-fatigue of multi-part container during hot extrusion of copper – simulation and experimental comparisonFriedrich Krumphals, Thomas Wlanis, Christof Sommitsch, Christian Redl
142 – 46Modelling the mechanical properties of multiphase steelsCorinna Thomser, Ulrich Prahl, Henk Vegter, Wolfgang Bleck
136 – 41Dedicated computer system of aided steel deformation testing procedure near solidus temperatureMirosław Głowacki, Marcin Hojny
129 – 35Modelling and process optimisation for heavy plate rolling of structural steelTadeusz Siwecki
124 – 28Mathematical description of deformation resistance of if steel including influence of phase transformationsIvo Schindler, Jiří Plura, Vladimír Jurko, Stanislav Rusz, Pavel Suchánek, Marcel Janošec
111 – 16Modeling of hot rolling 6061 aluminum alloy – state variables and grain size predictionsLuigi De Pari jr., Alexander r. Bandar, William H. Van Geertruyden, Wojciech Z. Misiolek
15 – 10Hot forming and heat treatment simulation in a steel millChristian Redl, Baohui Tian, Volker Wieser, Christof Sommitsch, Thomas Wlanis
1168 – 174Simulation of dynamic recrystallization using random grid cellular automataNima Yazdipour, Christopher H.J.Davies, Peter Damian Hodgson