Vol. 4, Year 2004:

For Vol. 4, Year 2004, the process of assigning DOI numbers has begun, the numbers displayed on the website will not change, while activation will be gradual.

4164 – 169Expert system DAX for design of experimentsZbigniew Polański, Jacek Pietraszek, Roma Górecka
4154 – 163Modelling of flow stress during two-phase deformation of steels and influence of niobium on precipitation kineticsTomasz Kondek, Barbara Niżnik
4144 – 153Ferroelectric phase transition in barium titanate crystal : FP-LAPW ab initio calculations. Pt. 1, Electron density distribution analysisAndrzej  Koleżyński
4127 – 143 Object-oriented realization of the FE solver for compression test Paweł J. Matuszyk
4121 – 126Spectral Galerkin method for solving Poisson equation in axisymmetric domainBogusław Bożek, Daniel Delimata
398 – 104Modelling of cooling of coiled strips in bell-type annealing furnaces using artificial intelligence methodsJolanta  Talar, Jan Kusiak
398 – 104Modeling of production processes by naive Bayesian classifierand artificial neural networksMarcin Perzyk, Robert Biernacki
387 – 97Application of neural networks for determina11on of friction coefficient in sheet metal formingF. Stachowicz, T. Trzepieciński
376 – 86An efforts to estimate numerically a material degeneration of drawing dies by means of computer image analysis methodsZbigniew Rudnicki, Włodzimierz Figiel, Janina Daca
369 – 75Will after the era of signal recognition and processing begin the era of their automatic understanding?Ryszard  Tadeusiewicz
1-265 – 68Step by step interpolationBogusław Bożek, Prokop  Środa
1-256 – 64Document driven ontological engineering with applications in casting defects diagnosticStanisław Ciszewski, Stanisława Kluska-Nawarecka
1-248 – 55Full potential LAPW AB initio calculations in materials scienceAndrzej Koleżyński
1-242 – 47Load models variation in numerical modeling of extrusion diesPiotr Czyżewski, Andrzej Kocańda
1-230 – 41Multi-step topology and sizing optimization of stiffened structuresI. Marczewska, W. Sosnowski, A. Marczewski, T. Bednarek
1-223 – 29Modelling of lubrication and roughness evolution in metal forming processesStanisław  Stupkiewicz, A. Marciniszyn
1-28 – 22Improvements of efficiency of finite element simulations of solidification due to adaptive mesh refinement and time-step selectionArkadiusz Nagórka
1-21 – 7The longitudinal vibration of straight-line ingot in continuous casting of steelAnita Ciekot