Vol. 2, Year 2002:

For Vol. 2, Year 2002, the process of assigning DOI numbers has begun, the numbers displayed on the website will not change, while activation will be gradual.

4106 – 120Probabilistic theory of screening of particles growthAndriy Burbelko
4101 – 105Modification of polynomial bezier surfacesBogusław Bożek, Prokop Środa
4138 – 152Problem of modelling of materials properties during deformation under varying conditionsMaciej Pietrzyk, Roman Kuziak
4121 – 137Modelling of temperature field and phase transformation in elements regenerated by surfacingJerzy Winczek
2-381 – 97Models of thermal plasma in welding and surface processing. Part IJacek Rońda
2-365 – 80Identification of phase transformation models for steels, based on dilatometric constant cooling rate testsTomasz Kondek, Maciej Pietrzyk
2-355 – 64Static model of oxygen converter process based on the artificial neural networkJan Falkus, Piotr Pietrzkiewicz, Wojciech Pietrzyk, Jan Kusiak
2-346 – 54Analysis of torsion test by the finite element methodZbigniew Gronostajski
2-341 – 45Solution of poisson equation using spectral methodBogusław Bożek
134 – 37Modyfication of polynomial Bezier’s curvesBogusław Bożek, Prokop Środa
126 – 33Numerical modeling of extrusion of profiles with application of dislocation density as an internal variable in the rheological material modelAndrij Milenin
119 – 25Determination of selected characteristics of steels, based on the type of the CCT diagram, using artificial neural networksBogdan Pawłowski, Paweł Popowicz
11 – 18Some Methods Of Processing And Feature Analysis Of Texture ImagesZbigniew Rudnicki