Vol. 13, Year 2013:

For Vol. 13, Year 2013, the process of assigning DOI numbers has begun, the numbers displayed on the website will not change, while activation will be gradual.

4493 – 500Modeling structures of cellular materials for application at various length-scalesTomasz Wejrzanowski, Jakub Skibinski, Lukasz Madej, Krzysztof Jan Kurzydlowski
4480 – 492Multiscale approach to modelling blood flowAleksandra Jakubowicz, Maciej Pietrzyk
4471 – 479Application of hp-adaptive FEM, local numerical homogenization and discrete element method to modeling of asphalt pavement structuresMarek Klimczak, Witold Cecot, Waldemar Rachowicz
4460 – 470Application of the multiscale microstructure-based modelling techniques for the prediction of strain inhomogeneity in the non-linear deformation processesKrzysztof Muszka, Paulina Graca, Mateusz Sitko, Łukasz Madej, Lin Sun
4452 – 459Cellular automata model of precipitation in microalloyed niobium steelsPrzemysław Marynowski, Henryk Adrian, Maciej Pietrzyk
4436 – 451Crystal plasticity models accounting for twinningKatarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska
4425 – 4352-/3-D digital material representation and evaluation of metal foamsChunhui Yang, Yang An, Ryan Greenfield, Peter Hodgson
4415 – 424Numerical analysis of data transfer quality in the multi-scale uncoupled concurrent modelJoanna Szyndler, Konrad Perzyński, Łukasz Madej
3402 – 406Finite element analysis of the pillar-guide tool setup of the machine for microforming processesZbigniew Zimniak, Monika Marciniak, Sławomir Polak
3375 – 381Flow stress under cyclic deformation conditions modelling possibilitiesPaulina Graca, Krzysztof Muszka, Janusz Majta
3407 – 411Thermodynamic computations of the interaction coefficients between boron and phosphorus and common impurity elements in liquid siliconHalvor Dalaker
3395 – 401Homogenization of elasto-plastic materials by the boundary element methodPiotr Fedeliński, Tomasz Czyż
3382 – 394The structure of a general materials genome approach to the design of new steel grades for specific propertiesWei Xu, Qi Lu, Xiaojun Xu, Sybrand Van Der Zwaag
2368 – 374Modeling of static recrystallization kinetics by coupling crystal plasticity fem and multiphase field calculationsOnur Güvenc, Thomas Henke, Gottfried Laschet, Bernd Böttger, Markus Apel, Markus Bambach, Gerhard Hirt
2364 – 367The migration of Kirkendall plane during diffusionBartek Wierzba
2357 – 363Modelling microstructure evolution during equal channel angular pressing of magnesium alloys using cellular automata finite element methodMichal Gzyl, Andrzej Rosochowski, Andrzej Milenin, Lech Olejnik
2351 – 356Phase diagram calculations for the znse – bese system by first-principles based thermodynamic monte carlo integrationAndrzej Woźniakowski, Józef Deniszczyk
2345 – 350First principles phase diagram calculations for the cdse-cds wurtzite, zincblende and rock salt structuresAndrzej Woźniakowski, Józef Deniszczyk, Omar Adjaoud, Benjamin P. Burton
2339 – 344Modelling of stamping process of titanium tailor-welded blanksPiotr Lacki, Janina Adamus, Wojciech Więckowski, Julita Winowiecka
2333 – 338An experimental and numerical study of material deformation of a blanking processSławomir Świłło, Piotr Czyżewski
2326 – 332Experimental apparatus for sheet metal hemming analysisSławomir Świłło
2320 – 325Rule-based simplified procedure for modeling of stress relaxationKrzysztof Regulski, Danuta Szeliga, Jacek Rońda, Andrzej Kuźniar, Rafał Puc
2313 – 319Industrial process control with case-based reasoning approachJan Kusiak, Gabriel Rojek, Łukasz Sztangret, Piotr Jarosz
2304 – 312The platform for semantic integration and sharing technological knowledge on metal processing and castingStanisława Kluska-Nawarecka, Edward Nawarecki, Grzegorz Dobrowolski, Arkadiusz Haratym, Krzysztof Regulski
2295 – 303A user-inspired knowledge system for the needs of metal processing industryStanisława Kluska-Nawarecka, Zenon Pirowski, Zora Jančíková, Milan Vrožina, Jiří David, Krzysztof Regulski, Dorota Wilk-Kołodziejczyk
2289 – 294Selection of significant visual features for classification of scales using boosting trees modelSzymon Lechwar
2283 – 288An experimental study of material flow and surface quality using image processing in the hydraulic bulge testSławomir Świłło
2276 – 282Investigation of the heat transport during the hollow spheres production from the tin meltMichael Petrov, Pavel Petrov, Juergen Bast, Anatoly Sheypak
2269 – 275Influence of the sample geometry on the inverse determination of the heat transfer coefficient distribution on the axially symmetrical sample cooled by the water sprayAgnieszka Cebo-Rudnicka, Zbigniew Malinowski, Beata Hadała, Tadeusz Telejko
2264 – 268Identification of interface position in two-layered domain using gradient method coupled with the bemEwa Majchrzak, Bohdan Mochnacki
2258 – 263Application of the three dimensional digital material representation approach to model microstructure inhomogeneity during processes involving strain path changesKrzysztof Muszka, Łukasz Madej
2251 – 257Parallel identification of voids in a microstructure using the boundary element method and the bioinspired algorithmWacław Kuś, Radosław Górski
2245 – 250Three-dimensional adaptive algorithm for continuous approximations of material data using space projectionPiotr Gurgul, Marcin Sieniek, Maciej Paszyński, Łukasz Madej
2238 – 244The multi-scale numerical and experimental analysis of cold wire drawing for hardly deformable biocompatible magnesium alloyAndrzej Milenin, Piotr Kustra, Dorota Byrska-Wójcik
2231 – 237Numerical simulations of strain localization for large strain damage-plasticity modelBalbina Wcisło, Jerzy Pamin
2226 – 230Local numerical homogenization in modeling of heterogeneous visco-elastic materialsMarek Klimczak, Witold Cecot
2219 – 225A pod/pgd reduction approach for an efficient parameterization of data-driven material microstructure modelsLiang Xia, Balaji Raghavan, Piotr Breitkopf, Weihong Zhang
2213 – 218Numerical aspects of computational homogenizationMarta Serafin, Witold Cecot
2197 – 212Multi-scale methods for multi-component granular materialsAnthony R. Thornton, Thomas Weinhart, Vitaliy Ogarko, Stefan Luding
1188 – 193Thermo-mechanical analysis of the power turbine casing at the running conditionsPaweł Wojnarowski, Andrzej Kuźniar, Stanisław Kiełbasa, Lechosław Trębacz, Danuta Szeliga, Maciej Pietrzyk, Jacek Rońda
1181 – 187Modeling of inconel 625 tig welding processAleksander Siwek, Jacek Rońda, Krzysztof Banaś, Paweł Cybułka, Kazimierz Michalik, Przemysław Płaszewski
1173 – 180Simulation of the temperature field and the microstructure evolution during multi-pass welding of l485mb pipeline steelFelix Koch, Marco Enderlein, Maciej Pietrzyk
1166 – 172Model of surface tension in the keyhole formation area during laser weldingAleksander Siwek
1160 – 165A genetic algorithm for optimizing production in a cold rolled steel slitting lineBiswajit Mahanty, Prabal Rakshit
1153 – 159An overview of numerical optimization applications for friction stir weldingCem C. Tutum, Jesper H. Hattel
1147 – 152Ladle nozzle opening and genetic programmingMiha Kovačič, Beno Jurjovec, Luka Krajnc
1141 – 146Mathematical modelling of iron ore sintering process using genetic algorithm: effect of moisture evaporation and condensation on the temperature profileSekhar Suman, Brijesh K. Giri, Gour G. Roy
1135 – 140A comparison of differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colony and cuckoo search for multilevel thresholding of waste woodSushil Kumar, Millie Pant, Amiya Kumar Ray
1127 – 134Applications of genetic algorithms in nanomaterials science: a short survey of recent resultsWojciech Paszkowicz
1120 – 126Fitting reactive force fields using genetic algorithmsHenrik R. Larsson, Bernd Hartke
1113 – 119Updated food positions in artificial bee colony algorithm for supply chain managementTarun Kumar Sharma, Millie Pant
1107 – 112Parametric sensitivity through optimization under uncertainty approachKishalay Mitra
199 – 106Evolution of charging programs for optimal burden distribution in the blast furnaceTamoghna Mitra, Debanga Nandan Mondal, Frank Pettersson, Henrik Saxén
192 – 98Strain distribution analysis in upset-forged flanged turbine shaftŁukasz Lisiecki, Piotr Skubisz, Jan Sińczak
184 – 91Prediction of residual stresses by fe simulations on bimetallic work rolls during coolingIngrid Neira Torres, Gaëton Gilles, Jérome Tchoufang Tchuindjang, Jacqueline Lecomte-Beckers, Mario Sinnaeve, Anne Marie Habraken
177 – 83Modelling of the tool wear in tr forging of fastenerZbigniew Gronostajski, Stanisław Ziółkiewicz, Marek Hawryluk, Marcin Kaszuba, Sławomir Polak, Karol Jaśkiewicz, Tomasz Będza
168 – 76Numerical simulation of tool wear as support of optimization of manufacturing chain for fastenersMariusz Skóra, Stanisław Węglarczyk, Maciej Pietrzyk
163 – 67Research into flow stress of al-mg-si alloy during the abrupt change of the strain rate at elevated temperaturesPavel Petrov, Viktor Voronkov, Konstantin Potapenko, Michael Petrov
156 – 62Non standard samples behaviour law parameters determination by inverse analysisMatthieu Petitprez, Katia Mocellin
149 – 55Statistical and probabilistic techniques in modeling of epoxy cracking phenomenaTomasz Nowak, Mateusz Ambroziński
143 – 48Effect of friction on failure location in sheet metal formability testsDmytro Lumelskyy, Izabela Marczewska, Jerzy Rojek, Ryszard Pęcherski, Franciszek Grosman, Marek Tkocz
136 – 42Prediction and validation of hot tearing in permanent mold steel casting using a viscoplastic damage modelS. Hadžić, E. Schmidtne Kelity, C. Sommitsch
130 – 35Lemaitre’s damage nonlocal model performance under crack initiation and propagationMariana R.R. Seabra, Jose M.A. Cesar De Sa
122 – 29The sensitivity analysis of deep drawing process using flow approachTomasz Bednarek, Piotr Kowalczyk
116 – 21Modeling of the nanostructural defects by implementation of molecular static method for heterogeneous hardware architecturesŁukasz Rauch, Daniel Bachniak
19 – 15Graph grammar for three dimensional multiphysics adaptive finite element method simulationsAnna Paszyńska, Maciej Paszyński
13 – 8ModFem – a computational framework for parallel adaptive finite element simulationsKazimierz Michalik, Krzysztof Banaś, Przemysław Płaszewski, Paweł Cybułka