Vol. 12, Year 2012:

For Vol. 12, Year 2012, the process of assigning DOI numbers has begun, the numbers displayed on the website will not change, while activation will be gradual.

4250 – 258Case-based reasoning approach to control of industrial processesGabriel Rojek, Jan Kusiak
4244 – 249Finite element simulation of self-heating effect and thermal fatigue of viscoelastic polymer compositesAndrzej Katunin
4233 – 243Numerical simulation of controlled cooling of rails as a tool for optimal design of this processMaciej Pietrzyk, Roman Kuziak
4225 – 232Computer-aided design of stress-relief holes in the medium voltage products made of epoxy resinMateusz Ambroziński, Tomasz Nowak
3218 – 224Hybrid computer system for the design of flat rolling technology – case study for multiphase steelŁukasz Rauch
3207 – 217A two-dimensional ca model to simulate microstructure development and carbon redistribution during the phase transformation of austenite to ferrite using realistic angular starting microstructuresJarosław Opara, Roman Kuziak, Hao Chen, Sybrand Van Der Zwaag
3183 – 196Application of numerical solution of the diffusion equation to modelling phase transformation during heating of dp steels in the continuous annealing processMonika Pernach, Krzysztof Bzowski, Maciej Pietrzyk
3175 – 182Numerical modelling and validation of precipitation kinetics in advanced creep resistant austenitic steelVujic Stojan, Farooq Muhammad, Sonderegger Bernhard, Sandström Rolf, Sommitsch Christof
3163 – 174Micro scale modelling of stress and strain partitioning in high strength dual phase steelsAlireza Asgari, Hassan Ghadbeigi, Christophe Pinna, Peter D. Hodgson
3152 – 162Determination of the critical parameters for the onset of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in advanced ultra-high strength steels (A-UHSS) microalloyed with boronGerardo Altamirano Guerrero, Ignacio Mejía Granados, José María Cabrera Marrero
3197 – 206Realistic description of dual phase steel morphology on the basis of the monte carlo methodŁukasz Madej
3137 – 151On the simulation of recrystallization textures using a 3D monte carlo modelKnut Marthinsen, Egil Fjeldberg
3130 – 136Microstructure based flow curve modeling of high-mn steels with twip and trip effectRaphael Twardowski, Ulrich Prahl
3115 – 129Physical simulation of thermomechanical processing of new generation advanced high strength steelsAdam Grajcar, Roman Kuziak, Wojciech Ozgowicz, Klaudiusz Gołombek
2104 – 112Experimental and numerical analysis of multi-pass weldingFelix Koch, Marco Enderlein
297 – 103Role of numerical simulations in the selection of the best multi step forging technologyŁukasz Bącal, Mariusz Skóra
285 – 96Generation of dedicated finite element meshes for multiscale applications with delaunay triangulation and adaptive finite element cellular automata algorithmsŁukasz Madej, Filip Krużel, Paweł Cybułka, Konrad Perzyński, Krzysztof Banaś
270 – 84Selection of the appropriate phase transformation model for design of laminar cooling and continuous annealing of dp steelsDanuta Szeliga
263 – 69Aspects of knowledge integration using ontological model in issues of decision support in the process of die forgingStanisława Kluska-Nawarecka, Jarosław Durak, Krzysztof Regulski
151 – 62Application of the cellular automata method to modelling lower bainite in steelsGrzegorz Jabłoński, Bogdan Pawłowski, Maciej Pietrzyk
137 – 50An evaluation of through-thickness deformation mechanisms in single point incremental sheet forming using a dual-level finite-element modelKhamis Essa, Peter Hartley
120 – 36The new multiscale finite element model of multilayer ventricular assist deviceMagdalena Kopernik, Andrzej Milenin
19 – 19Growth of solid bodies in the framework of shape and topology optimizationJean-François Ganghoffer, Jan Sokolowski
11 – 8Multi-frontal multi-thread direct solver for finite element simulation of step-and-flash imprint lithographyPaweł Obrok, Maciej Paszyński