Vol. 11, Year 2011:

For Vol. 11, Year 2011, the process of assigning DOI numbers has begun, the numbers displayed on the website will not change, while activation will be gradual.

4542 – 550Identification of material properties of the dp steel based on plastometric tests and on industrial hot strip rollingŁukasz Sztangret, Danuta Szeliga, Jan Kusiak, Maciej Pietrzyk
4531 – 541On application of shape coefficients to creation of the statistically similar representative element of dp steelsŁukasz Rauch, Monika Pernach, Krzysztof Bzowski, Maciej Pietrzyk
4524 – 530Identification of stochastic material properties in multiscale modellingWacław Kuś, Tadeusz Burczyński
4514 – 523Dynamic virtual organization management framework supporting distributed industrial collaborationsJacek Kitowski, Bartosz Kryza
4501 – 513Phenomenon of tolerance to damage in artificial neural networksRyszard Tadeusiewicz, Izabela Figura
3489 – 499EASEA: a generic optimization tool for GPU machines in asynchronous island modelLaurent A. Baumes, Frederic Kruger, Pierre Collet
3480 – 488Cfd (computational fluid dynamic) optimization strategy applied in pultrusion processLizandro De Sousa Santos, Rogério Luz Pagano, Evaristo Chaubald Biscaia Jr., Verônica Maria de Araújo Calado
3469 – 479Application of a population balance model for prediction of behaviour of non-metallic inclusions in the liquid steelAdam Cwudziński, Jan Jowsa
3463 – 468Hybrid multi-objective differential evolution for multi-objective optimization of industrial polymeric materialsAshish M. Gujarathi, B. V. Babu
3443 – 462Bainitic steels as alternative for conventional carbon-manganese steels in manufacturing of fasteners – simulation of production chainRoman Kuziak, Valery Pidvysots’kyy, Stanisław Węglarczyk, Maciej Pietrzyk
2290 – 296The resources occupancy in resource – constrained multi project scheduling problemBożena Skołud, Bożena Marcińczyk
2406 – 410Service oriented framework for development of complex engineering softwareNorbert Sczygiol, Juliusz Mikoda, Anna Wawszczak
2436 – 441Practical inverse analysis in metal formingRoman Pschera, Bruno Buchmayr
2432 – 435Application of 3D scanning and rapid prototyping in designing metal sheet forming processesJoanna Gołębiewska-Kurzawska, Franciszek Grosman
2418 – 424Computational methods in the SLA and FDM techniques in the process of production of an aircraft wheel hub prototypeJacek Bernaczek, Romana Ewa Śliwa
2411 – 417Improvement of stability conditions and uniqueness of penalty approach in contact modelling in sheet metal formingTomasz Bednarek, Piotr Kowalczyk, Artur Marczewski, Włodzimierz Sosnowski
2399 – 405Parallel self-adaptive hp finite element method with shared data structureMaciej Paszyński, David Pardo
2394 – 398The method of acceleration of solving equations system in case of shape and/or boundary conditions changesNorbert Sczygiol, Juliusz Mikoda
2387 – 393Numerical accuracy and efficiency of algorithms for springback calculationDmytro Lumelskyy, Jerzy Rojek
2381 – 386Simulation of droplet motion in welding arcs as a case study of remeshingPaweł Cybułka, Aleksander Siwek, Jacek Rońda, Krzysztof Banaś
2375 – 380Numerical analysis of strain inhomogeneities during deformation on the basis of the three dimensional digital material representationLukasz Madej, Pawel Cybulka, Konrad Perzyński, Lukasz Rauch
2369 – 374Numerical simulation of field distribution of SERS active substrates for rhodamine 6G detectionHui-Wen Cheng, Yiming Li
2364 – 368Bi-velocity reactive mass transport phenomenology. Modeling of CVD processBartek Wierzba
2357 – 363Optimisation of parameters of single crystal model for aluminium bicrystalsWojciech Wajda, Henryk Paul
2350 – 356Image processing methods for segmentation of microscopic pictures of the mgca alloysLukasz Rauch, Krzysztof Bzowski
2343 – 349Influence of the arc of strand corner on the stress and strain development in the continous casting ingotAgnieszka Cebo-Rudnicka, Zbigniew Malinowski, Beata Hadała
2337 – 342Modeling of microscale heat transfer in cylindrical domainsBohdan Mochnacki, Ewa Majchrzak
2330 – 336Two-temperature model of microscopic heat transferEwa Majchrzak, Jolanta Poteralska
2315 – 323Uncertainty of lifetime evaluation for cafe creep damage modelKrzysztof Nowak
2309 – 314Crackling noise in a discrete element model of single crack propagationGábor Timár, Ferenc Kun
2303 – 308Computational approach for predicting the crack propagation of stainless steel plate using damage mechanicsByung-moon Yoo, Chi-seung Lee, Min-sung Chun, Myung-Hyun Kim, Jae-Myung Lee
2297 – 302Agent-based information processing in a domain of the industrial process optimizationGabriel Rojek, Łukasz Sztangret, Jan Kusiak
2284 – 289Application of rule-based system to support fem simulations in hot rolling processTomasz Rec, Andrzej Macioł, Piotr Macioł
2279 – 283Functional modules specific for virtual manufacturingRéka Hints, Marius Vanca, Dorel Banabic
2271 – 278Industrial applications of multi-agent systemsStanisława Kluska-Nawarecka, Grzegorz Dobrowolski, Edward Nawarecki
2265 – 270DaCoTraP – a web based platform for metal forming process chainVencel Biró, Dorel Banabic
2259 – 264Simulation of steady-state extrusion through a hollow die using hyperxtrude FE softwareGang Liu, Ke Huang, Jie Zhou, Jurek Duszczyk
2251 – 258Research into the technological process of extrusion-type forging of automotive wheel made of magnesium alloy produced with the help of loaded-diePavel Petrov, Victor Voronkov, Alexej Plotnikov, Vladimir Ivanov, Michael Petrov, Semar Basyuk
2243 – 250Computer aided design of the manufacturing chain for fastenersRoman Kuziak, Mariusz Skóra, Stanisław Węglarczyk, Marek Paćko, Maciej Pietrzyk
2237 – 242Computer aided design of the best tr forging technology for crank shaftsŁukasz Sztangret, Andrzej Milenin, Mateusz Sztangret, Wojciech Walczyk, Maciej Pietrzyk, Jan Kusiak
2229 – 236Simulation of thermo-mechanical processes during hot forging and prediction of mechanical properties of productsValeriy Pidvysots’kyy, Jarosław Opara, Andrzej Wrożyna, Władysław Zalecki, Roman Kuziak
2225 – 228Numerical analysis of sleeve clamping processJarosław Bartnicki, Janusz Tomczak, Grzegorz Samołyk
2324 – 329Temperature changes during the heating part of a semi-solid steel yield stress testing procedure on Gleeble simulatorMarcin Hojny, Mirosław Głowacki, Roman Kuziak, Władysław Zalecki
1215 – 222FEM code for the multiscale simulation of the stress – strain state of the blood chamber composed of polyurethane and tin nanocoatingAndrzej Milenin, Magdalena Kopernik
1209 – 214Numerical analysis of an influence of the artificial valve type on the blood flow inside the ventricular assist devicePrzemyslaw Klosinski, Piotr Reorowicz, Damian Obidowski, Krzysztof Jozwik
1202 – 208Numerical flow analysis in POLVAD-IMPL prosthesis modelWojciech Bujok, Maciej Darłak, Dorota Jurkojć, Roman Kustosz
1196 – 201Flow analysis in centrifugal pumpIevgenii Altyntsev, Andrzej Korczak, Tomasz Synowiec, Wojciech Bujok, Maciej Darłak, Roman Kustosz
1190 – 195Towards using adaptive hybrid meshes in fem simulations of flow in artificial heart chambersKrzysztof Banaś, Paweł Cybułka, Piotr Macioł, Kazimierz Michalik
1185 – 189On modelling of the heat generation during friction stir welding using combined discrete/finite element approachMichal Krzyzanowski, William M. Rainforth
1179 – 184Model of convective heat transfer in keyhole mode laser weldingAleksander Siwek, Jacek Rońda, Krzysztof Banaś
1173 – 178Numerical model of a tig welding process for the aviation industry, including analysis of the heat transferAndrzej Kuźniar, Paweł Rygiel, Stanisław Dudek, Antoni Gnot, Tadeusz Gancarczyk, Konrad Perzyński
1167 – 172Mechanical and metallurgical properties of titanium alloy friction stir welded butt jointsLivan Fratini, Gianluca Buffa
1161 – 166Guidelines for the determination of tube forming limits based on tensile, bulge and elliptical testsLander Galdos, Eneko Sáenz De Argandoña, Carlos García
1154 – 160Influence of initial state and chemical composition on the hardening and softening kinetics in hot metal formingPhilipp Hagemann, Rudolf Kawalla, Werner Jungnickel, Matthias Schmidtchen
1148 – 153Particle distance distributions and their effect on precipitation strengtheningBernhard Sonderegger, Ivan Holzer, Ernst Kozeschnik, Christof Sommitsch
1141 – 147Experimental investigations and numerical models of tool steel during semisolid formingPiotr Macioł, Władysław Zalecki, Roman Kuziak, Aleksandra Jakubowicz
1135 – 140Time-saving methods for cafd modeling of the microstructure evolution during solidificationAndriy Burbelko, Jacek Początek, Daniel Gurgul
1128 – 134Modeling of primary and eutectic solidification by using CAFD methodAndriy Burbelko, Daniel Gurgul
1122 – 127Modeling of the oxidizing roasting process of zinc sulphide concentrates using the artificial neural networksŁukasz Sztangret, Łukasz Rauch, Jan Kusiak, Piotr Jarosz, Stanisław Małecki
1115 – 121Temperature prediction in electric arc furnace by the use of decision treesTadeusz Wieczorek, Krystian Mączka, Krzysztof Gansty
1108 – 114Application of viscoplastic-damage models to quasi-static ice failure under compressionHye-Yeon Choi, Chi-Seung Lee, Byung-Moon Yoo, Jae-Myung Lee
1101 – 107Development of residual stresses in cast products made of epoxy resinTomasz Nowak
195 – 100Numerical solution of the three point bending of glass in application to the inverse analysis of this testMonika Pernach, Marcin Środa, Piotr Kustra
188 – 94Experimental verification of simulation model of impact response tests for unsaturated polyester/GF and PP/GF compositesSanita Zike, Kaspars Kalnins, Olgerts Ozolins
181 – 87The MLPG analysis of crack problems in magnetoelectroelastic solidsJan Sladek, Vladimir Sladek
174 – 80Computer modeling of pneumatic formation of superthin fibresLeszek Jarecki, Slawomir Blonski, Andrzej Zachara, Anna Blim
168 – 73Discrete element simulation of powder sinteringJerzy Rojek, Katarzyna Pietrzak, Marcin Chmielewski, Dariusz Kaliński, Szymon Nosewicz
164 – 67Application of the fractional oscillator equation to simulations of granular flow in a siloTomasz Blaszczyk, Ewa Kotela, Jacek Leszczynski
153 – 63From discrete particles to solids – about sintering and self-healingStefan Luding
146 – 52Computational intelligence methods in searching of stable configurations of nanostructuresAdam Mrozek, Wacław Kuś, Tadeusz Burczyński
141 – 45Genetic programming modeling of the critical size of inclusionsMiha Kovačič, Božidar Šarler
134 – 40Parallel genetic algorithm finding optimal initial mesh for three dimensional self-adaptive hp finite element methodAnna Paszyńska, Maciej Paszyński
128 – 33Optimization of hopper design by genetic algorithmsYaowei Yu, Frank Pettersson, Henrik Saxén
123 – 27Electrical characteristic optimization of silicon solar cells using genetic algorithmYiming Li, Hui-Wen Cheng, I-Hsiu Lo, Chia-Hui Yu, Zheng-Liang Lu
116 – 22Intelligent modeling using genetic algorithm for optimizing a-tig welding process parameters of mod. 9Cr-1Mo steelMuthukumaran Vasudevan, Krishnamoorthy Nadimuthu Gowtham, Tammana Jayakumar
19 – 15OPTIM – library of bioinspired optimization algorithms in engineering applicationsWacław Kuś, Adam Długosz, Tadeusz Burczyński
16 – 8Computer modelling and analysis of effective properties of compositesPiotr Fedeliński, Radosław Górski, Grzegorz Dziatkiewicz, Jacek Ptaszny