Vol. 10, Year 2010:

For Vol. 10, Year 2010, the process of assigning DOI numbers has begun, the numbers displayed on the website will not change, while activation will be gradual.

4307 – 312A coupled multi-physics model for induction heat treatment processesDavid Cardinaux, François Bay, Yvan Chastel
4294 – 306Prediction of statically recrystallized microstructure during extrusion of aluminum alloysPeter Cvahte, Goran Kugler, Tomaž Rodič
4279 – 293Theoretical and numerical issues on ductile failure prediction – an overviewJose Manuel De Almeida Cesar De Sa, Filipe Xavier Costa Andrade, Francisco Manuel Andrade Pires
4271 – 278Numerical prediction of microstructure in high-strength ductile forging partsArthur Back, Marcus Urban, Christoph Keul, Wolfgang Bleck, Gerhard Hirt
4259 – 270Numerical and experimental studies of the strength of riveted jointsNanjiang Chen, Jean-Loup Chenot, Min Wan, Julien Malrieu, Maxime Thonnerieux, Richard Ducloux
4249 – 258On the FEM simulation of FSW and LFW operationsLivan Fratini, Fabrizio Micari
4238 – 278Investigation on the effects of process parameters on the through-thickness shear strain in single point incremental forming using dual level fe modelling and statistical analysisKhamis Essa, Peter Hartley
4225 – 237A review on recent developments of Marciniak-Kuczynski model a tribute to Professor Zdzislaw MarciniakDorel Banabic
4207 – 213Predictions of melt circulation rate in a rh degasser by mathematical modelling of two phase flowLeonardo Neves, Carlos André Ruy Carneiro, Rafael Fernandes Reis, Roberto Parreiras Tavares
4193 – 206Place and role of intelligent systems in computer scienceRyszard Tadeusiewicz
4214 – 224Numerical simulation of blade-over-roll coating forming flowsEvan Mitsoulis, George Athanasopoulos
3156 – 166Numerical simulation of viscoelastic effects in blade-over-roll coating forming flowsEvan Mitsoulis
3181 – 189Selection of the thermomechanical processing parameters of cucr forgingsRoman Kuziak, Valeriy Pidvysots’Kyy, Maciej Pietrzyk
3176 – 180Web service for finite element mesh generatorNorbert Sczygiol, Juliusz Mikoda, Anna Wawszczak
3167 – 175The numerical analysis of rivet deformation when joining aluminum sheets using self-pierce riveting methodJacek Mucha
3143 – 155Digital material representation of polycrystals in application to numerical simulations of inhomogenous deformationLukasz Madej
287 – 96Optimization of deep drawing process forming parameters for magnesium alloysVictor B. Watiti, George N. Labeas
261 – 68The experimental research and the numerical modeling of the fracture phenomena in micro scaleAndrzej Milenin, Dorota Joanna Byrska, Olexandr Grydin, Mirko Shaper
280 – 86Modeling of cold drawing of magnesium alloy wires and tubesKazunari Yoshida
2130 – 142Physical and numerical modelling of plastic deformation of magnesium alloysDariusz Kuc, Maciej Pietrzyk
2108 – 129Flow stress numerical modeling for large strain deformation in magnesium alloy Az31Luigi De Pari Jr, Wojciech Z. Misiolek, Joy H. Forsmark, Alan A. Luo
269 – 79Mathematical model of warm drawing of mgca0.8 alloy accounting for ductility of the materialAndrzej Milenin, Piotr Kustra, Marek Paćko
297 – 107Numerical analysis of the design and research into the production of shell made of magnesium alloySemar Basyuk, Pavel Petrov, Victor Voronkov, Alexej Plotnikov, Maxim Shajxulov
152 – 57Experimental verification results of real and equivalent drawbeads numerical simulationsZbigniew Zimniak, Dawid Rutkowski
142 – 51Different mesh management strategies for non-stationary self-adaptive hp finite element methodMaciej Paszyński, Paweł Matuszyk
137 – 41The model of the temperature field and fluid flow in elements heated by moving heat sourcesWiesława Piekarska, Marcin Kubiak, Zbigniew Saternus
130 – 36Stability and uniqueness of flow approach algorithms in sheet metal forming simulationsWłodzimierz Sosnowski, Tomasz Bednarek, Piotr Kowalczyk
125 – 29Data preparationAndrzej Kochański
116 – 24Neural network-based prediction of additives in the steel refinement processTadeusz Wieczorek, Mirosław Kordos
11 – 7New trends in neurocyberneticsRyszard Tadeusiewicz
18 – 15Estimation of parameters of feed-back pulse coupled neural networks (FBPCNN) for purposes of microstructure images segmentationŁukasz Łukasik, Łukasz Rauch