Computational methods in the SLA and FDM techniques in the process of production of an aircraft wheel hub prototype

Computational methods in the SLA and FDM techniques in the process of production of an aircraft wheel hub prototype Jacek Bernaczek, Romana Ewa Śliwa Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,ul. Powstańców Warszawy 8, 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland. DOI: Abstract: The rapid prototyping process was carried out on the example of an … Read more

Application of 3D scanning and rapid prototyping in designing metal sheet forming processes

Application of 3D scanning and rapid prototyping in designing metal sheet forming processes Joanna Gołębiewska-Kurzawska, Franciszek Grosman Department of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Silesian University of Technology,8 Krasińskiego Street, 40-019 Katowice, Poland. DOI: Abstract: The procedure of designing sheet metal forming processes for elements which geometrical features are determined experimentally at stand tests has … Read more