Computations of RHEED intensities for growing surfaces of GaAs
AGH University of Science and Technology,al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
A novel and practical algorithm for the determination of intensities in reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) for off-symmetry azimuths is presented. The usefulness of the algorithm is demonstrated for calculations of rocking curves for GaAs. Then the problem of RHEED oscillations that appear during regular growth of nanolayers is discussed. A calculated plot of the oscillation phase is compared with experimental data taken from the literature. Only the unreconstructed surface of GaAs is considered in this analysis, however, even for such a simplified case, the plot of the theoretical phase reproduces the experimental results reasonably well.
Cite as:
Mitura, Z. (2015). Computations of RHEED intensities for growing surfaces of GaAs. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 15(4), 447-458.
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Dynamical diffraction theory, Nanolayers, RHEED intensity oscillations