Influence of the sample geometry on the inverse determination of the heat transfer coefficient distribution on the axially symmetrical sample cooled by the water spray
Agnieszka Cebo-Rudnicka, Zbigniew Malinowski, Beata Hadała, Tadeusz Telejko
Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Department of Heat Engineering and Environment Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
The paper presents the results of the heat transfer coefficient determination while the water spray cooling process. To determine the boundary condition over the metal surface cooled by water spray the inverse heat conduction problem has been used. In the investigations the axially symmetrical sample has been used as a cooled object. Because of the specific setup of the sensor used in investigations, two finite element models have been tested in the inverse determination of the heat transfer coefficient. The first one, which simplifies the sensor geometry to a cylinder and the second one, that describes the real shape of the sensor. Also, the comparison between two different models employed to determine the heat transfer coefficient over the cooled sample surface have been presented. The boundary condition models differ in description of the function that has been employed to approximate the heat transfer coefficient distribution over the cooled surface in the time of cooling.
Cite as:
Cebo-Rudnicka, A., Malinowski, Z., Hadała, B., & Telejko, T. (2013). Influence of the sample geometry on the inverse determination of the heat transfer coefficient distribution on the axially symmetrical sample cooled by the water spray. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 13(2), 269 – 275.
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Water spray cooling, Heat transfer coefficient, Boundary inverse problem, Finite element method