Application of numerical solution of the diffusion equation to modelling phase transformation during heating of dp steels in the continuous annealing process

Application of numerical solution of the diffusion equation to modelling phase transformation during heating of dp steels in the continuous annealing process

Monika Pernach, Krzysztof Bzowski, Maciej Pietrzyk

AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.



Physical basis for modelling of phase transformation during heating of DP steels is given in the paper. Basic models are discussed briefly. The model based on the solution of the diffusion equation with moving boundary was selected as an alternative with extensive predictive capabilities, which include determination of the carbon segregation in the austenite. The diffusion equation was solved using finite difference method for 1D domain and finite element method for 2D domain. Model was validated qualitatively by comparison the results with the dilatometric tests data and good agreement was obtained.

Cite as:

Pernach, M., Bzowski, K., & Pietrzyk, M. (2012). Application of numerical solution of the diffusion equation to modelling phase transformation during heating of dp steels in the continuous annealing process. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 12(3), 183 – 196.

Article (PDF):


DP steels, Continuous annealing, Phase transformation during heating, Diffusion
