On application of shape coefficients to creation of the statistically similar representative element of dp steels

On application of shape coefficients to creation of the statistically similar representative element of dp steels

Łukasz Rauch, Monika Pernach, Krzysztof Bzowski, Maciej Pietrzyk

AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.




The coupled finite element multiscale simulations (FE2) require costly numerical procedures in both macro and micro scales. Exertions, leading to improvement of numerical efficiency, are focused mainly on two areas of development i.e. parallelization of numerical procedures or simplification of virtual material representation. One of the representatives of the latter area is the idea of Statistically Similar Representative Volume Element (SSRVE). It aims at the reduction of the number of finite elements in micro scale by transformation of sophisticated images of material microstructure into artificially created simple objects being characterized by similar features as their original equivalents. This paper is devoted to analysis of shape coefficients and possibilities of their application in the creation of SSRVE for DP steels. The results from sensitivity analysis of particular coefficients, obtained for different microstructure images, are presented in the paper, as well as examples of SSRVE.

Cite as:

Rauch, Ł., Pernach, M., Bzowski, K., & Pietrzyk, M. (2011). On application of shape coefficients to creation of the statistically similar representative element of dp steels. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 11(4), 531 – 541. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2011.4.0377

Article (PDF):


DP steels, Image processing, Representative microstructure, Statistically Similar RVE
