Modeling of microscale heat transfer in cylindrical domains

Modeling of microscale heat transfer in cylindrical domains

Bohdan Mochnacki1, Ewa Majchrzak2

1Częstochowa University of Technology, Częstochowa, Poland.
2Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland.



Thermal processes in a thin metal film subjected to a short-pulse laser heating are considered (axially-symmetrical 2D problem). Heat transfer through thin films subjected to an ultrafast laser pulse is of vital importance in microtechnology applications and it is a reason that the problems connected with a fast heating of solids have become a very active research area. The heat transfer proceeding in domain analyzed (microscale heat transfer) is described by dual phase lag model (DPLM). According to the newest opinions the DPLM constitutes a very good description of real heat transfer processes proceeding in the micro-scale domains subjected to the strong external heat flux. The base of DPLM formulation is a generalized form of Fourier law (GFL) in which two time parameters τq, τT appear (the relaxation time and thermalization one, respectively). The acceptation of GFL leads to DPLM equation (Özişik & Tzou, 1994, Smith & Norris, 2003). In the paper the thermal interactions between external heat source qb and cylindrical micro-domain are analyzed. The capacity of external heat source (the Neumann boundary condition) is given by function dependent on spatial co-ordinates and time. On the boundary beyond the region of laser action, the no-flux condition is assumed. It should be pointed out that the DPL model requires the adequate transformation of boundary conditions which appear in the typical macro heat conduction models. The initial conditions are also known (initial temperature of domain and initial heating rate). Numerical model of the process discussed bases on a certain variant of FDM presented with full particulars in Chapter 2.

Cite as:

Mochnacki, B., & Majchrzak, E. (2011). Modeling of microscale heat transfer in cylindrical domains. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 11(2), 337-342.

Article (PDF):


Microscale heat transfer, Laser pulse, Finite difference method, Numerical simulation
