Copper flash smelting process. modelling and control

Copper flash smelting process. modelling and control

Jan Kusiak

AGH-University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków.



The paper presents the description of the copper flash smelting process and the idea of its modelling based on Artificial Intelligence techniques: Artificial Neural Networks, Expert Systems and Data Mining. Proposed approach is illustrated by examples of obtained results. They show that models based on Artificial Intelligence tools can be useful in process analysis and in control systems.

Cite as:

Kusiak, J., (2009). Copper flash smelting process. modelling and control. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 9(3), 362 – 368.

Article (PDF):


Copper flash smelting process, Modelling and control of metallurgical processes, Application of artificial intelligence
