Computer measurement systems in research of non-conventional metal forming processes

Computer measurement systems in research of non-conventional metal forming processes

Zdzisław Cyganek, Franciszek Grosman

Department of Process Modelling and Medical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology,,Krasinskiego 8, Katowice, Poland.



Severe Plastic Deformation processes are one of the new method of metal forming processes. At present some research in this range is be carrying at Process Modelling and Medical Engineering Department of Silesian University of Technology. This research concerns two non-conventional metal forming methods: compression with oscillatory torsion and rolling with cyclic, transverse rolls movement. Characteristic feature of both of these processes is significant participation of share stresses in the whole process of metal deformation, caused by additional tools movement. Thus the processes were called MEFASS processes (Metal Forming Aided by Shear Stresses). In this paper the rolling mill for MEFASS rolling is introduced. Special attention is expended to the problem of process parameters measurements. The structure and functions of rolling mill measurement system are presented. Research results gained with this measurement system are also introduced. Correlation between oscillation of MEFASS rolling parameters and position of working rolls during the process was observed and explained. Calculation of deformation work with taking advantage of recorded process data is also presented in this paper. This problem is considered for the first time in the research all over the world.

Cite as:

Cyganek, Z., & Grosman, F. (2009). Computer measurement systems in research of non-conventional metal forming processes. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 9(2), 352 – 356.

Article (PDF):


Rolling, Change of the strain path, Severe Plastic Deformation, Measurement systems
