On the support uml diagrams understanding during the software maintenance

On the support uml diagrams understanding during the software maintenance

Leszek Kotulski, Artur Basiura

Department of Automatics, AGH – University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, Kraków, Poland,DRQ S.A., ul. Podwale 3, Kraków, Poland.




“UML diagrams are generally accepted technique of supporting computing modeling and maintenance systems that are independent from the domain supported by the created system. Final model describes the system with help of object oriented techniques such as class inheritance, packages or the final software deployment diagrams. The mentioned techniques introduce some hierarchy of the developed concepts. An UML model describing all aspects of a system is hard to fully visualized. Usually they contain thousands of elements and relations which are difficult to present in form that can be easy to understand. Unfortunately, we are not able to represent such structures with help of the 2-dimensions manner (monitor screens or paper sheets) so we present only some “flat” aspects of these structures it is desirable that we should be able move from one “flat” visualization of the hierarchical structure to another one. In this paper, We formalize the term “a flat visualization of the hierarchical graph”, And specify the synthesis and analysis operations, That allow us to move between different flat forms. Practical aspect of this proposition is discussed for UML deployment and class diagrams.

Cite as:

Kotulski, L., & Basiura, A., (2007). On the support uml diagrams understanding during the software maintenance. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 7(3), 366 – 375. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2007.3.0176

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Graph transformation, UML, Image understending, Software visualization
