Finite element analysis of nodal release approach to model ductile fracture in metal sheets

Finite element analysis of nodal release approach to model ductile fracture in metal sheets

Bernd-Arno Behrens, Kanwar Bir Sidhu

Institute of Metal Forming and Metal Forming Machines,An der Universität 2, 30823 Garbsen, Germany.



The FE-simulation of ductile fracture processes for discrete crack propagation using nodal release approach is well established for modelling crack in metal sheet. In this method, the crack is assumed to initiate or propagate along the element edges, hence, this way new crack boundary is generated in the FE mesh. Therefore, when a critical value of fracture criterion is reached at a node then that particular node is duplicated having same initial co-ordinates, and hence under subsequent load increment a new crack is generated in the FE-mesh, thus, this way crack is extended by one or more element length per increment. Therefore, in this paper, a FEM model is presented with an attempt to model ductile fracture using the nodal release approach, which is implemented in commercial FE software – MSC.Marc® together with predefined user-subroutines. Consequently, the ability of this approaches to predict the blanked edge profile are analysed and compared with micrograph from experiments.

Cite as:

Behrens, B., & Sidhu, K. (2007). Finite element analysis of nodal release approach to model ductile fracture in metal sheets. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 7(2), 289 – 293.

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Sheet Metal Forming, Blanking, Ductile fracture, Compact Test specimen, Nodal release, FEM, MSC.Marc®
