Problem of the artificial anisotropy in solidification modeling by cellular automata method

Problem of the artificial anisotropy in solidification modeling by cellular automata method

Andriy Burbelko, Wojciech Kapturkiewicz, Daniel Gurgul

AGH University of Science and Technology, Reymonta 23, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.



Modeling of the dendritic growth by a cellular automaton (CA) can take into account the temperature of the thermodynamic equilibrium as a function of the local concentration and mass diffusion, heat transfer and local temperature, surface energy and curvature of the grain boundaries. Unfortunately, most of the previous solutions produce artificial symmetry of simulation results. This symmetry reflects the anisotropy of the CA computational grid, rather than the properties of the modeled substance. The method of the accuracy ranking estimation for known methods of solidification rate and the interface direction calculation is proposed in the paper. The best solution has been chosen with the highest precision and minimal artificial anisotropy of the simulation results.

Cite as:

Burbelko, A., Kapturkiewicz, W., & Gurgul, D. (2007). Problem of the artificial anisotropy in solidification modeling by cellular automata method. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 7(1), 182 – 188.

Article (PDF):


Cellular automata, Solidification, Artificial anisotropy
