Application of the microstructure development model to the multiscale fem simulation of metal forming processes
Andrzej Żmudzki, Jarosław Nowak
AGH-University of Science and Technology,Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
Models of recrystallization and grain growth mechanisms in hot forming processes are rarely implemented in the commercial finite element codes. However, most of the commercial packages give ability to implement additional modules for specific phenomena calculation. The algorithm for recrystallization in hot forming processes and its application in commercial finite element code FORGE2 are presented in this paper. Most of commonly used models calculate the microstructure evolution only after the deformation. The influence of microstructure restoration during deformation is represented by flow stress equations containing softening terms. In this study the model describing dynamic recrystallization phenomena during metal forming processes and its direct influence on the flow stress, is taken into consideration. The analysis is based on the calculation of the recrystallized fraction and the kinetics of austenite grain size evolution in micro scale, and its relation to the material flow in the macro scale. Results of the FEM calculations combined with the proposed microstructural model of hot compression and rolling processes is presented for C-Mn steels and compared with the experimental observations.
Cite as:
Żmudzki, A., Nowak, J., (2007). Application of the microstructure development model to the multiscale fem simulation of metal forming processes. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 7(1), 83 – 87.
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Dnamic recrystallization, Multiscale analysis, Hot forming