Numerical simulation of elastoplastic deformation of thin hard coating systems in nano-impact test
Magdalena Kopernik, Maciej Pietrzyk
, Andrzej Żmudzki
AGH – University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland.
Development of the finite element model of nano-impact tests is the objective of the paper. Although these tests are performed to determine, among others, the crack resistance of nanocoatings, there is no fracture criterion introduced in the model at this stage. Research is focused on overcoming various difficulties occurring in finite element simulation of deformation of thin hard coating systems. These difficulties arise from layers thickness, necessity of remeshing, multimaterial and multi-impact character of simulation, which has to connect different types of numerical solutions simultaneously. The simulations were performed using Forge 2 code adapted to the thin layer conditions. Problems with adaptation and scaling are described. Selected results of simulations are presented in the paper. Since it is capable to predict realistic stress and strain fields, the developed model is prepared to implementation of the fracture criterion
Cite as:
Kopernik, M., Pietrzyk, M., Żmudzki, A. (2006). Numerical simulation of elastoplastic deformation of thin hard coating systems in nano-impact test. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 6(3-4), 150 – 160.
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Hard coating system, FEM, Nano-impact test, Plastic deformation, FGM