Computer image analysis in quantitative metallography

Computer image analysis in quantitative metallography

Jan Szala

Katedra Nauki o Materialach, Politechnika Śląska, Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice.



The computer image analysis is performed on digital images consisting from pixels, their values, in certain scale, correspond to a mean grey level or colour of metalographic microsection area represented by a given pixel. One of the most important stage of an initial image preparation for the measurement is binarisation. Detection, usually does not confine only to the binarisation, but also comprises transformations of the grey and binary images. Review of the most important transformations available in computer image analysis applied in quantitative metallography is presented in this article. Special attention were paid to shade correction, detection of grain and twin boundaries in single-phase materials.

Cite as:

Szala, J. (2003). Computer image analysis in quantitative metallography. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 3(1), 41 – 57.

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