Application of neural networks to practical implementation of control and analysis of energetic node
Krzysztof Kołek, Wojciech Mitkowski
AGH University of Science and Technology.
Two examples of application of artificial neural networks in real control systems are described in the paper. The first application transforms data monitored during extended period of exploitation of the object ? complex of buildings at Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza. In consequence, synthetic information regarding the power requirements in these buildings was obtained. The characteristic, which shows relation between the power requirement and the temperature of the heating water and the surrounding temperature, is presented. In the second application the artificial neural network is used for direct control of the power supply from the city energetic system. Practical implementation of the neural network confirmed its applicability as regulator, which stabilizes the temperature in buildings heated by large energetic installations.
Cite as:
Kołek, K., Mitkowski, W. (2001). Application of neural networks to practical implementation of control and analysis of energetic node. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 1(3-4), 181 – 188.
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