Modeling of deep drawing of tailored blanks joint using laser welding
Antoni Piela, Joanna Lisok
Silesian University of Technology.
Application of welded sheet metal allows for significant decrease of the weight of the car body. Efficient design of the deep drawing technology for these sheets requires simulation of material deformation during industrial processes. Thus, the main objective of the present work is investigaiion of various aspects of modeling of sheet forming for tailored blanks. Description of the geometry of welded blank as well as representation of the properties of welded material are investigated and presented in the paper. Developed by the authors models of various complexity, which describe the material properties in the transient zones, are described. Results of simulations of cup drawing of welded sheets are presented. Modeling allowed an analysis of local strain distribution around the weld zone. Discussion of material’s workability and appearance of cracks is presented for various combinations of thickness and properties of sheets.
Cite as:
Piela, A., Lisok, J. (2001). Modeling of deep drawing of tailored blanks joint using laser welding. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 1(3-4), 166 – 180.
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