Acceptance criteria

Qualified reviewers will judge all submitted manuscripts according to established criteria for technical merit. The review procedure begins in the editorial office as the Editor chooses two reviewers for the manuscript. Each reviewer submits the recommendation on the basis of the evaluation of the following aspects: originality of work, technical quality, clarity of presentation, importance in the field. See Reviewing Procedure for details

The possible reasons for rejection are as follows:

Lack of novelty – The paper does not contain new and significant information adequate to justify publication.

Errors of logic – The paper contains errors of logic or conclusions not based on the performed research etc.

Lack of quality of communication – The paper does not clearly express its case, measured against the technical language of the field and the expected knowledge of the journal’s readership. Attention is paid to the clarity of expression and readability, such as sentence structure, jargon use, acronyms, etc.

Plagiarism – see Publication ethics for details. All papers are evaluated after the submission with the iThenticate plagiarism check software.

Self-plagiarism (redundant publication) – see Publication ethics for details. All papers are evaluated after the submission with the iThenticate plagiarism check software.

Fragmenting research findings – see Publication ethics for details.

Average time for manuscript publication: 120 days.