A case study on tundish fluid flow with electromagnetic stirring
Monika Zielińska1,2, Hongliang Yang3, Łukasz Madej2
, Łukasz Malinowski1
1Corporate Technology Center CTC, ABB sp. z o.o., Zeganska 1 st., 04-713 Warsaw, Poland.
2AGH University of Krakow, Department of Applied Computer Science and Modelling, Mickiewicza 30 av., 30-059 Krakow, Poland.
3ABB AB/Metallurgy, Terminalvagen 24, Bldg 340, Vasteras 72159, Sweden.
Tundish is a crucial component just before casting and plays a pivotal role in enhancing the cleanliness and overall homogeneity of the final steel composition. The paper deals with the development of an advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model, specifically focusing on the molten steel flow within the tundish to numerically support its further improvements. A noteworthy addition to the model is the consideration of an electromagnetic stirring device. This device significantly influences steel cleanliness and composition, thereby affecting the final properties of the formed metallic parts in subsequent processing stages. The current investigation presents a comprehensive analysis of flow patterns and stirring energy distributions in relation to active and dead zones within the tundish. Through the developed coupled electromagnetic/fluid dynamic model, the paper demonstrates the feasibility of optimizing mixing processes to control the properties of the final product.
Cite as:
Zielińska, M., Yang, H., Madej, Ł., & Malinowski, Ł. (2024). A case study on tundish fluid flow with electromagnetic stirring. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 24(1), 51-60. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2024.1.0831
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Computational Fluid Dynamics, Tundish fluid flow, Electromagnetic stirring
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