Investigation of the suitability of a fused filament fabricated tool for incremental sheet metal forming
Dieter Weise1, Christian Langner1, Alexander Pierer1
, Verena Kraeusel1
, Jana Petru2
, Jiri Koziorek2
, Michal Prauzek2
1Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU, Reichenhainer Strasse 88, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany.
2VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, 17 Listopadu 2172/15, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic.
Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a flexible manufacturing process for sheet metal parts in small to medium quantities. Successive movements of a stylus create the geometry of the sheet metal part. ISF can be performed with or without a counter tool. By using counter tools, the geometry deviation of the formed sheet metal part can be reduced. To achieve the broader application of ISF, counter tools must be cost-effective, fast, and individually producible, even for batch sizes of only one part. In addition to milling, which has been the main method used to date, additive manufacturing (AM) also makes it possible to meet these requirements for flexible counter tool production. To investigate the suitability of AM for the production of counter tools for the ISF and to learn more about the load on the counter tool, a cylindrical counter tool made of polylactic acid (PLA) was produced using the fused filament fabrication (FFF) process. This counter tool was used for the ISF of drawing steel. Based on the force measurement results, a first step towards suitability evaluation of 3D-printed counter tools for ISF was taken, and possibilities, as well as application limits for such counter tools were discussed.
Cite as:
Weise, D., Langner, C., Pierer, A., Kraeusel, V., Petru, J., Koziorek, J., & Prauzek, M. (2023). Investigation of the suitability of a fused filament fabricated tool for incremental sheet metal forming. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 23(1), 43-49 .
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Incremental sheet forming, Rapid tooling, Additive manufacturing
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