The role of die definition in the numerical simulations of two-points incremental forming processes
Konrad Perzyński, Kacper Pawlikowski
, Łukasz Madej
AGH University of Krakow, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland.
The main objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the definition of dies type in the finite element simulation of the two-points incremental forming processes (TPIF). Particular attention is on determining the effect of assigning elastic properties for the 3D printed dies or considering fully rigid on the final results. During the research, three different shapes of dies were analyzed. Simulation results in the form of sheet thickness distributions and measured forces are presented for comparison purposes.
Cite as:
Perzyński K., Pawlikowski, K., & Madej, Ł. (2023). The role of die definition in the numerical simulations of two-points incremental forming processes. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 23(1), 5-12.
Article (PDF):

Two-points incremental forming, Finite element method, Additive manufacturing
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