The acoustic emission (AE) controlling method of the electric sheet blanking process – a comparative study of selected data mining methods
Andrzej Kochański, Piotr Czyżewski
, Leszek Moszczyński
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Manufacturing Technologies, Warsaw, Poland.
The article presents an experimental stand to assess the state of punch in the process of sheet blanking. Blanking trials were carried out on an eccentric press. During all the trials, there were recorded signals of acoustic emission (AE) that accompanied the process of blanking. For the recorded AE signals, the methodology of data preparation and analysis was presented. On that basis, the results of the assessment of the state of the punch were presented, and they employed five methods of visualization: Andrews curves, Principal Components Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis, a modified method of Stochastic Neighbor Embedding and Sammon Mapping. The aim of the work was to assess the possibility of using visualization methods to predict the condition of the tool on the basis of acoustic emission signals in processes carried out in extremely short times.
Cite as:
Kochański, A., Czyżewski, P., & Moszczyński, L. (2022). The Acoustic Emission (AE) controlling method of the electric sheet blanking process – a comparative study of selected Data Mining methods. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 22(4), 189–200.
Article (PDF):

Acoustic emission, Data acquisition, Data preparation methods, Visualization methods, Process duration, Process speed, Punching, Manufacturing, Andrews curves, PCA, LDA, tSNE, Sammon Mapping
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