FEM analysis of working conditions on the stress and strain of low-capacity disc granulator frames
Michał Bembenek , Karol Jankowicz
AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland.
The common practice of frame selection is a simplified way without calculations of the strength and strain conditions. It is particularly popular in the design of small devices. In the case of granulation in a disc granulator, it is necessary to experimentally determine the correct parameters of the process. Therefore, the disc granulator must operate with a wide range of settings of the inclination of the granulator disc axis in relation to the ground. The use of the granulator for laboratory purposes requires also taking into account the loads resulting from its mobility. In response to this the FEM analysis was carried out as to the effect of the working disc position angle on stresses occurring in the laboratory disc granulators LDG300 and DG750 frame. Additionally, analyses of the stresses of the granulator’s frames during their lifting and displacing were done. The analyses allowed the researchers to identify the main load that affects the frame design most markedly.
Cite as:
Bembenek, M., & Jankowicz, K. (2020). FEM analysis of working conditions on the stress and strain of low-capacity disc granulator frames. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 20, 47-62. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2020.2.0654
Article (PDF):

Granulation, Frame deformation analysis, Frame stress analysis, FEM, Disc granulator
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