The use of computer image analysis in determining material flow in the roller press compacting unit during compacting of fine-grained material
AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
Mechanisms of fine-grained material flow in a roller press are a constant subject of research. The proper transfer of feed in the feeder has a significant influence on the correct course of the compaction and consolidation process, product quality, and the intensity of wear of the forming components. A few mathematical models of compaction process have been put forth, but they are focused mainly on loads in the compacting unit and consolidated material properties. During compaction the loose material properties including the Young module, the external and internal friction coefficient, and the side pressure coefficient change continuously. Therefore visualisation tests were carried out to survey the flow of material in a compaction unit equipped with rollers with a flat working surface and gravity feeder. Using the NI Vision Builder program, the recorded video observations were analyzed and the medium speed distribution of the material in the feeder was determined. The results were presented in the form of graphs and compared with one another, specifying the relationship between the material speed distribution and the press operation parameters.
Cite as:
Bembenek, M. (2018). The use of computer image analysis in determining material flow in the roller press compacting unit during compacting of fine-grained material. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 18(2), 58 – 63.
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Compaction, Agglomeration, Roller press, Consolidation, Fine-grained materials
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