Numerical model of cold deformation of TRIP steel
Łukasz Rauch1, Mariusz Skóra2, Krzysztof Bzowski1
, Maciej Pietrzyk1
1AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
2GAWEL Zakład Produkcji Śrub S.A., 36-073 Strażów, Poland.
Exploring possibilities of modelling deformation of TRIP steel during manufacturing of fasteners was the objective of the paper. Homogenised flow stress model for the investigated steels was determined first on the basis of compression tests. Inverse analysis was applied to eliminate the effect of friction and deformation heating in compression. Possibility of prediction of local strains and stresses accounting for the TRIP effect was investigated next. Representative Volume Element (RVE) and Statistically Similar Representative Volume Element (SSRVE) with TRIP microstructures were developed and subjected to deformation. Transformation of the retained austenite into martensite was simulated. Computing costs of the RVE and SSRVE were compared and it was shown that they are an order of the magnitude lower for the latter. The SSRVE based micro model, which can be attached to the FE code which simulates forging of fasteners, is the main output of the paper.
Cite as:
Rauch, Ł., Skóra, M., Bzowski, K., Pietrzyk, M. (2017). Numerical model of cold deformation of TRIP steel. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 17(4), 207 – 217.
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Plastic deformation, Fasteners, TRIP effect, Material model, Representative Volume Element
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