Efficient Transfer of C++ Objects on Intel Xeon Phi KNC in Offload Mode
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague.
Intel Xeon Phi KNC is a modern coprocessor designed for the high performance computing. In this paper we describe efficient method for transferring C++ objects in the Offloading mode. Our aim is to get consistent interface with NVidia CUDA framework in Template Numerical Library (TNL). As working example we use this library and the heat equation problem to demonstrate efficiency of implementation on Intel Xeon Phi and compare CPU with this coprocessor.
Cite as:
Hanousek, V., Oberhuber, T. (2017). Efficient Transfer of C++ Objects on Intel Xeon Phi KNC in Offload Mode. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 17(2), 94 – 100. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2017.2.0594
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Intel Xeon Phi, HPC, MIC, Offload
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