A parallelized model for coupled phase field and crystal plasticity simulation
Steel Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
The predictive simulation of materials with strong interaction between microstructural evolution and mechanical deformation requires the coupling of two or more multi-physics models. The coupling between phase-field method and various mechanical models have drawn growing interests. Here, we propose a coupled multi-phase-field and crystal plasticity model that respects the anisotropic mechanical behavior of crystalline materials. The difference of computational complexity and solver requirements between these models presents a challenging problem for coupling and parallelization. The proposed method enables parallel computation of both models using different numerical solvers with different time discretization. Finally two demonstrative examples are given with an application to the austenite-ferrite transformation in iron-based alloys.
Cite as:
Lin, M., Prahl, U. (2016). A parallelized model for coupled phase field and crystal plasticity simulation. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 16(3), 156 – 162. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2016.3.0584
Article (PDF):
Phase field, Crystal plasticity, OpenMP, Parallelization
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