Numerical analysis of data transfer quality in the 3D multi-scale uncoupled concurrent model connected with DMR
Joanna Szyndler, Konrad Perzyński
, Łukasz Madej
AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059, Kraków.
Analysis of the quality of obtained results from a 3D multiscale concurrent finite element numerical model based on Digital Material Representation (DMR) concept is the main aim of the research. Particular attention is put on an influence of different number of data transfer nodes between subsequent scales on material behavior predicted by a micro DMR model. Conclusions are drawn based on results in the form of equivalent strain distribution, homogenized stress-strain curves and samples shape changes.
Cite as:
Szyndler, J., Perzyński, K., Madej, Ł. (2016). Numerical analysis of data transfer quality in the 3D multi-scale uncoupled concurrent model connected with DMR. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 16(2), 97 – 103.
Article (PDF):

Multiscale model, Digital material representation, Finite element method
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