Numerical determination of equiaxed grain radii arising in the casting during 3D simulation of solidification
Robert Dyja, Elżbieta Gawrońska, Andrzej Grosser
, Piotr Jeruszka, Norbert Sczygiol
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, 42-201 Czestochowa, Dabrowskiego 69, Poland.
The knowledge of material structure allows to predict the mechanical properties of alloy casting. Such structure can be modelled in micro- and mesoscale. The first way is connected with alloy morphology and enables one to find out the shape of grains emerging during the solidification process. The second way allows to define the magnitude and distribution of these grains in the casting structure. Learning both of these ways greatly enhances one’s knowledge about such mechanical phenomena as emerging stresses, strains, hot cracking and many others. This information makes it possible for one to predict the behaviour of castings during the cooling process or the further product exploitation. The one of the most difficult issues in the numerical and computer simulations of solidification is the modelling of the structure evolving in the casting. These simulations are extremely important in the work of an engineer in the foundry industry. The paper deals with a numerical modelling of equiaxed microstructure formation during the solidification of two-component alloys. The basic enthalpy formulation was applied to model the solidification. The equiaxed grain size depends on the average cooling velocity at the moment when the liquid metal reaches the liquidus temperature. The experimentally determined dependence between grain radius and cooling velocity was used in the calculation of average grain radii distribution.
Cite as:
Dyja, R., Gawrońska, E., Grosser, A., Jeruszka, P., Sczygiol, N. (2016). Numerical determination of equiaxed grain radii arising in the casting during 3D simulation of solidification. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 16(1), 27 – 36.
Article (PDF):

Grain radius, Microstructure, Casting, FEM, Solidification modelling, Computer simulation
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