Vision system to support determination of mechanical properties of tubes required for computer modelling of tube hydroforming
Hanna Sadłowska, Andrzej Kocańda
, Cezary Jasiński
, Łukasz Morawiński
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering, Department of Metal Forming and Foundry, 85 Narbutta St., 02-524 Warsaw, Poland.
Reliability of computer modelling of tube hydroforming depends strongly on mechanical properties of tubes, which are difficult to determine and sensitive to tube production methods. Some developments in experimental set-up and the vision system for tensile tests of specimens cut from the tube in longitudinal and circumferential directions are presented. The high accuracy of results obtained by this system has been crucial for determining strains in tested tubes as well as flow curves for tube material and its planar anisotropy.
Cite as:
Sadłowska, H., Kocańda, A., Jasiński, C., Morawiński, Ł. (2016). Vision system to support determination of mechanical properties of tubes required for computer modelling of tube hydroforming. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 16(1), 2 – 11.
Article (PDF):

Tube, Hydroforming, Vision system, Mechanical properties of tube, Computer modelling, Anisotropy of the tube material
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