Metalforming methods dedicated for aerospace industry

Metalforming methods dedicated for aerospace industry

Joanna Szyndler, Lukasz Madej

AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059, Krakow, Poland.



Detailed analysis of different metalforming methods of light and durable integral elements dedicated for the aerospace industry is the main aim of the work. Description of an integral part concept as well as basis of conventional processes used for their manufacturing are presented within the paper. Then incremental forming processes with a division into sheet and bulk metal forming methods are precisely described. State of the art both in experimental and numerical research on these processes is discussed within the paper. Finally, recent concept of an alternative incremental forming process dedicated for manufacturing integral elements from lightweight alloys is presented. Particular attention is put on computer aided support of development of the innovative forming technology.

Cite as:

Szyndler, J., & Madej, L. (2015). Metalforming methods dedicated for aerospace industry. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 15(2), 294-310.

Article (PDF):


Metalforming, Incremental forming, Multiscale numerical modelling, Integral elements
