Competition between Kirkendall shift and Frenkel effect during 2D diffusion process
Bartek Wierzba, Patrycja Wierzba
Rzeszow University of Technology, al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959, Rzeszów, Poland.
In this paper numerical description of the interdiffusion process where the competition between the Kirkendall shift and Frenkel effect is showed. The vacancy generation and voids evolution (Frenkel effect) is discussed in terms of numerical simulations in 2 dimensional space. The proposed approach based on the generalized Darken approach where the volume velocity is essential in defining the local material velocity at non-equilibrium.
Cite as:
Wierzba, B., & Wierzba, P. (2015). Competition between Kirkendall shift and Frenkel effect during 2D diffusion process. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 15(1), 176-178.
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Kirkendall shift, Frenkel effect, Vacancy distribution, Void formation