Optimization in multiscale thermoelastic problems

Optimization in multiscale thermoelastic problems

Adam Długosz

Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Computational Mechanics and Engineering, Division of Computational Mechanics and Applied Informatics, Gliwice, Poland.




The paper is devoted to the optimization in two-scale thermoelastic problems. The problems are solved by means of evolutionary computation and direct analysis based on a numerical homogenization. Direct thermoelastic analysis with representative volume element (RVE) and finite element method (FEM) is performed. Design variables in optimization tasks describe micro-structure, whereas optimization functionals are formulated on the basis of the quantities derived from a macro scale. Numerical examples of the optimization are included.

Cite as:

Długosz, A. (2014). Optimization in multiscale thermoelastic problems. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 14(1), 86 – 93. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2014.1.0478

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Multi-scale modeling, Numerical homogenization, Thermoelasticity, Evolutionary algorithms, Multi-objective
