The platform for semantic integration and sharing technological knowledge on metal processing and casting

The platform for semantic integration and sharing technological knowledge on metal processing and casting

Stanisława Kluska-Nawarecka1, Edward Nawarecki2, Grzegorz Dobrowolski2, Arkadiusz Haratym2, Krzysztof Regulski2

1Foundry Research Institute, Zakopianska 73, Cracow, Poland.
2AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland.



This paper presents the concept of knowledge sharing platform, which uses an ontological model for integration purposes. The platform is expected to serve the needs of the metals processing industry, and its immediate purpose is to build an integrated knowledge base, which will allow the semantic search supported by domain ontology. Semantic search will resolve the difficulties encountered in the class of Information Retrieval Systems associated with polysemy and synonyms, and will make the search for properties (relations), not just the keywords, possible. An open platform model using Semantic Media Wiki in conjunction with the author’s script parsing the domain ontology will be presented.

Cite as:

Kluska-Nawarecka, S., Nawarecki, E., Dobrowolski, G., Haratym, A., & Regulski, K. (2013). The platform for semantic integration and sharing technological knowledge on metal processing and casting. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 13(2), 304-312.

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Knowledge integration, Knowledge base, Decision support, Semantic search, Metal processing, Casting
