Effect of friction on failure location in sheet metal formability tests

Effect of friction on failure location in sheet metal formability tests

Dmytro Lumelskyy1, Izabela Marczewska1, Jerzy Rojek1, Ryszard Pęcherski1, Franciszek Grosman2, Marek Tkocz2

1Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pawińskiego 5B, 02-106Warsaw, Poland.
2Silesian University of Technology, Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland.




This paper presents numerical investigations of the influence of friction on sheet deformation in Nakazima type formability tests. Numerical simulations have been performed using the authors’ own explicit dynamic finite element program. Numerical results have been compared with experimental data. Location of fracture was of major interest in this work. The studies confirmed that the fracture location near the center of the specimen as required by the standards can be obtained for low values of the friction coefficient. Numerical simulation combined with the inverse analysis has been used to estimate a real value of the friction coefficient in the Nakazima formability test.

Cite as:

Lumelskyy, D., Marczewska, I., Rojek, J., Pęcherski, R., Grosman, F., & Tkocz, M. (2013). Effect of friction on failure location in sheet metal formability tests. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 13(1), 43 – 48. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2013.1.0409

Article (PDF):


Formability test, Explicit FE method, Friction, Fracture location
