Hybrid computer system for the design of flat rolling technology – case study for multiphase steel

Hybrid computer system for the design of flat rolling technology – case study for multiphase steel

Łukasz Rauch

AGH – University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.




Creation of the system for optimization of semi product and product properties in metal forming industry was the objective of the paper. This system is demonstrated in application to Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS), which are innovative materials used by automotive industry. The hybrid computer system joins functionality of numerical simulations, material modelling and optimization to minimize costs related to design of production technologies and maximize semi and final product properties. The paper presents design and functionality of this system, which includes all mentioned functional modules for the design of flat rolling technology. The architecture of the proposed system is described in details, as well as material models applied in numerical simulations. The system was validated and tested using optimization of multiphase cycle of rolling of complex phase steel strip as an example.

Cite as:

Rauch, Ł. (2012). Hybrid computer system for the design of flat rolling technology – case study for multiphase steel. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 12(3), 218 – 224. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2012.3.0398

Article (PDF):


Hybrid computer system, Numerical simulations, Multiphase steel
