Selection of the appropriate phase transformation model for design of laminar cooling and continuous annealing of dp steels
AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
In the work a modified JMAK phase transformation model dedicated to dual phase steels was proposed. The model was validated with sensitivity analysis methods and the most important model parameters were selected. The sensitivity analysis results were next used in the parameters identification task. That task was formulated as an inverse problem, which was transformed to the optimization task. The minimum of the goal function defined in the optimization problem was the solution of the model parameters identification. The phase transformation model outputs with identified parameters were compared to measurements from dilatometer and microsections analysis. The comparison confirmed good agreement between measurements and predictions. Two different case studies were defined to apply modified JMAK model to finite element software and to perform simulations of selected case studies. Investigated procedure proved applicability to modelling of complex industrial processes combining material forming and cooling/annealing.
Cite as:
Szeliga, D. (2012). Selection of the appropriate phase transformation model for design of laminar cooling and continuous annealing of dp steels. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 12(2), 70 – 84.
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Phase transformation model, Sensitivity analysis, Parameters identification, Laminar cooling and annealing