Dynamic virtual organization management framework supporting distributed industrial collaborations

Dynamic virtual organization management framework supporting distributed industrial collaborations

Jacek Kitowski1,2, Bartosz Kryza2

1AGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, IT and Electronics, Department of Computer Science, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow .
2Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH, ul. Nawojki 11, 30-950 Krakow.




Virtual Organizations seem as a natural paradigm for the globalized and dynamic nature of modern business environments. In a truly globalized world, organizations should be able to participate with other organizations that can provide the needed capabilities at optimal cost and quality. However, in order to foster the adoption of this concept, several missing gaps within the IT technology have to be addressed first. In this paper we present a framework supporting creation and management of dynamic virtual organizations in distributed IT environments. The framework, called FiVO (Framework for Intelligent Virtual Organizations) addresses all major issues related to VO lifecycle including partner discovery, contract negotiation, VO deployment and contract enforcement. In this paper we focus on presentation of integrated functionality of the system and analysis of feasibility of our solution for industrial applications.

Cite as:

Kitowski, J., & Kryza, B. (2011). Dynamic virtual organization management framework supporting distributed industrial collaborations. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 11(4), 514 – 523. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2011.4.0375

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Virtual Organization, Virtual Enterprise, Knowledge management, Industrial process management
