Service oriented framework for development of complex engineering software
Norbert Sczygiol, Juliusz Mikoda, Anna Wawszczak
Institute of Computer and Information Sciences, Czestochowa University of Technology,ul. Dąbrowskiego 73, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland.
The service oriented architecture is commonly used in business software applications, but could also be successfully used while designing engineering packages. This paper describes a framework for development of complex engineering simulation software. It is designed on the basis of the service oriented architecture. Applications are built by composition of modules that realize particular step of simulation. Such modules are implemented with use of the Web Services technology. The architecture of the described framework is based on two layers: abstract layer and concrete layer. Applications are constructed from building-blocks on the abstract layer. The concrete services from concrete layer are matched with abstract services on the basis of constraints and Quality of Services attributes. The problem of sending large amount of data was also considered. The results of the conducted research on sending data in different formats were presented. It was shown that using proper data structure avoid decrease in application efficiency. The last section presents the utility of service oriented architecture on the example of service called e-MeshGen that offers functionality of finite element mesh generator.
Cite as:
Sczygiol, N., Mikoda, J., & Wawszczak, A. (2011). Service oriented framework for development of complex engineering software. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 11(2), 406 – 410.
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Finite element method, Service oriented architecture, Web services, Engineering software, Sending large data