Numerical accuracy and efficiency of algorithms for springback calculation

Numerical accuracy and efficiency of algorithms for springback calculation

Dmytro Lumelskyy, Jerzy Rojek

Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences,ul. Pawińskiego 5B, 02-106 Warszawa.



The objective of this work has been to study numerical accuracy and efficiency of algorithms of springback calculation. The finite element program Stampack has been used as a solver. It has capability of an explicit dynamic simulation of forming while the springback can be analysed using either an explicit dynamic or quasi-static implicit approach. Draw bending of a U profile has been used as a case study problem. Two methods of springback calculation have been compared, their advantages and disadvantages have been discussed. Numerical results have been verified by comparison with experimental data. The influence of selected numerical parameters on the accuracy and efficiency of the springback calculation has been investigated.

Cite as:

Lumelskyy, D., & Rojek, J. (2011). Numerical accuracy and efficiency of algorithms for springback calculation. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 11(2), 387 – 393.

Article (PDF):


Springback, Explicit method, Implicit method, Metal forming
