DaCoTraP – a web based platform for metal forming process chain
Technical University of Cluj Napoca,Memorandumului 28, 400114 Cluj Napoca, Romania.
A standard metal forming research process includes equipments in different locations. The data between the testing, simulation and manufacturing equipments are usually transmitted with different storage devices. The purpose of the project is to eliminate the need of these storage devices by allowing the different devices to synchronize between them using the internet. The solution to the distance problem is a platform capable of collecting data, processing it and serving it back upon request. Using this platform, the machines will be able to communicate with each other in almost real-time independently from their location. After studying the existing research in this field we concluded that there are numerous others working on machine-to-machine communication and control through the internet. Using the existing research we will be able to build a platform of applications that will be able to collect data from different devices, process it and redistribute it. The most important one of the applications will be the ASP.Net webpage project that will allow users to manipulate the devices and manage/visualize data. The different components of the system will communicate using HTTP protocol through the port 80 and use an XML-based custom language. Because of its high configurability, flexibility, low price and robustness the solution will be applicable in almost every situation.
Cite as:
Biró, V., & Banabic, D. (2011). DaCoTraP – a web based platform for metal forming process chain. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 11(2), 265- 270. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2011.2.0342
Article (PDF):
Manufacturing, Metal forming, Process chain, Communication, Internet