Computer aided design of the manufacturing chain for fasteners

Computer aided design of the manufacturing chain for fasteners

Roman Kuziak1, Mariusz Skóra2, Stanisław Węglarczyk3, Marek Paćko3, Maciej Pietrzyk3

1Instytut Metalurgii Żelaza, Gliwice.
2KOELNER Łańcucka Fabryka Śrub Spółka z o.o.
3AGH-University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland.



Computer aided design of the forging technology for the fasteners made of bainitic steels is the objective of the paper. Three steels were tested and rheological models of these steels were developed. The models were implemented into the finite element code for thermal-mechanical simulations of metal forming processes. The particular objectives of the work were twofold. Simulations of various variants of manufacturing chain were performed first. Operations, which were considered, include: cold drawing to reduce diameter and harden the material, forging in three operations, heat treatment. The best manufacturing chains were selected on the basis of numerical simulations. Industrial trials were performed at the for the selected cycles and the efficiency of these cycles was evaluated.

Cite as:

Kuziak, R., Skóra, M., Węglarczyk, S., Paćko, M., & Pietrzyk, M. (2011). Computer aided design of the manufacturing chain for fasteners. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 11(2), 243 – 250.

Article (PDF):


Bainitic steels, Fasteners, Manufacturing cycle, Finite element simulation
